Artist Spotlight: Surveil

November 1, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Claire Walden 

Clark and Salina Beasley are not only husband and wife, but also the driving force behind Surveil.  From leading worship at churches to touring with Matt Redman, these two have had unbelievable opportunities to grow as artists and use their gifts to glorify God throughout the world.  Last year marked a major turn in their career with the release of their debut album, The World is Watching.  The songs are all originals with the exception of their own rendition of Prayer of St. Francis.  Their lyrics are unique and imaginative.  Surveil has the ability to capture the raw emotion of worship that transcends to the deeper meaning of the act.

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Artist Spotlight: Jeremy Riddle

October 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Mark Bowyer 

When you think of a riddle, your mind may conjure images of puzzles, ancient prophecy, or something that is just hard to guess or figure out.  Jeremy Riddle, however, is anything but hard to figure out.  Worship leader, a pastor, committed husband, and father, Jeremy’s answers to the puzzling questions in life all come from the simplicity of trusting in God.  This is evident in his music.  With “Bless His Name,” “To Be Like You,” and “Christ is Risen”, Jeremy's faith, and pastoral learnedness add depth and other dimensions to his music.

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Artist Spotlight: Revive

October 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Brian Johnson 
If you’re looking for a reason to get up and start praising the Lord, the band Revive is definitely your reason. Revive offers a nice, alternative rock feel, with some pop thrown in. Coming from Australia, the band is not new to producing Christian music, and recorded two albums, down under. While there, they focused their attention towards creating a more open environment for Christians, by visiting schools and churches, and sharing their gift. Now that they’re in the United States, they have found their big break, touring with Third Day and Brandon Heath.
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Artist Spotlight: Todd Agnew

October 2, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Mark Bowyer 

What does it take to have a distinctive “voice” in the Christian music scene today?  Well, while other popular artists go the smooth and sensitive falsetto route, Todd Agnew, with a Native American background, finds his distinctiveness in his powerful, raw, low-toned gruffness that can't really be described and just has to be heard.  This distinctive voice leaps out at you with unpretentious lyrics that openly and honestly worship Jesus.  Known for being extremely casual, and even performing barefoot, this modern-day forerunner, humbly, yet strongly tells us to behold the Lamb of God.

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Avion Blackmon

September 13, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Randy Henderson 

Music comes in all forms and interpretations. Gospel reggae is well represented by the smooth and captivating voice of Avion Blackmon. Her new album: Sweet Life is a breezy blend of organic roots reggae with echoes of folk, worship, world, soca, R&B and neo-soul.
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