Not To Be Dramatic But…
By Darren Marlar
One good thing about losing your full-time job is that you suddenly have time to do those things you’ve always wanted to do. The sad thing about losing your full-time job is that you suddenly have no money to do those things you’ve always wanted to do. There’s a painful irony for you. Fortunately, what I wanted to do didn’t require money. For me, losing my position last week meant I could finally get involved at church, and yesterday I had the opportunity to audition for the drama team. For those of you who spent all of your time on the football field in high school, I’ll try to clarify. To audition means to try out. I had to try out for the drama team. Fortunately I didn’t have to wear shoulder pads or tight pants. (Did it never bother you guys that you were wearing the same thing that girls in the 80’s found fashionable for themselves?)
My Metabolism Retired Before I Did!
By Kathi Macias
I don’t get it. I used to be able to skip lunch and lose five pounds. Now I skip lunch and just end up scarfing down dinner at two in the afternoon. What’s up with that? And hey, I know I’m not the only one! A friend of mine recently lamented, “Inside me there’s a skinny lady crying to get out, but I can usually shut her up with chocolate.” The late Barbara Johnson used to quip, “I’m still a perfect size 10. I just keep it covered up with a couple layers of fat so it won’t get scratched.”
this is a test
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Too Many Hats
By Darren Marlar
It’s what we say when we’re taking care of the responsibilities of several people at the office – particularly now due to all of the layoffs that have taken place. “I’m wearing too many hats.”
Where Do You Get Your Ideas?
By Kathi Macias
I was attending a large outdoor family gathering recently, and as I sat on the sidelines, trying to regroup and relax a bit, Cousin Myrtle happened by. “Hey, Kathi,” she said, grinning as she plunked down on the bench beside me. “How’s the writing going?”