Who Is It All About?
November 24, 2024 by Sharon Autry
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Sharon Autry
Several years ago, my son repeated almost every night, “Do you know who it’s all about?” We would play along. “Who?” With a huge smile, “It’s all about God!” he’d say.
Too many times I find myself feeling like I’m getting the raw end of the deal. “Why do I have to clean up after everybody? Why am I the one who has to get up and let the dog in at 5 AM? Why can’t we have what they have?”
Remind me, “Who is it all about again?”
Thunder and Lightning and Storms, Oh My!
November 10, 2024 by Gina Stinson
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Gina Stinson
The rain started about 4:00 AM and tapered off at around 8:00 AM. We headed to church under overcast skies and then ran errands, attended a baby shower and choir practice and then headed back to church for the evening service. Even then, the skies forecast showers. By 10:00 PM, it was inevitable. You could smell it in the air. Storms were headed our way.
The pitter patter of rain sounded like tiny little fairies dancing on the rooftop. Then the crackle of lightning signaled for the boom of thunder to follow. This went on for hours, startling us with the frightening volume. It didn’t take long before my two children scampered into bed with my husband and I. “I sleep with you,” followed by “I’m scared” guaranteed them a snuggle spot in a bed of protection.
Traveling Unfamiliar Roads
October 31, 2024 by Virginia Smith
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Virginia Smith
At times the road we travel in this life seems to lead to some pretty strange places. I can get a bit anxious at times, wondering where God is leading me. Then I remember. He paved the road. He knows every inch.
When my kids were younger, I got on a walking kick. I power-walked the same route through my neighborhood every day, and I used the time to pray. One beautiful sunny morning as I passed blooming spring flowers and prayed for my children and my husband, I had the strangest urge. At the intersection where I always turned right, it occurred to me that I could turn left instead. No reason really, just a feeling that wouldn’t go away. The break in my routine felt like the right thing to do, so I did. A couple of blocks later, I decided to turn down an unfamiliar street. I didn’t know where it would lead, but it seemed like a nice street. After a few blocks, I turned up yet another unfamiliar street that just felt right. A thought occurred to me and I whispered, “Lord, are You telling me to turn down this street?”
Wind Blown Weeds or Deep Rooted Trees
October 21, 2024 by Sharon Autry
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Sharon Autry
My kids and I have been working behind our house clearing a new walking path in the woods. In the process, we’ve pulled, clipped, and chopped our way through the itchy overgrowth. As we worked, I noticed two kinds of plants. Some of the growth is grass. You can tell because when you pull, it comes right up. The other takes more than a pull. We have to get the clippers and cut them down leaving the roots in the ground. These baby trees are surprisingly strong.
Longing For Tomorrow
October 10, 2024 by Laurie Hilliard
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
“I can’t wait till this weekend,” I heard myself telling my friend. “My husband and I are finally going on a date. And boy, do I need it!” The problem was it was only Monday. I had to make it through a whole week until the much-needed break would arrive.
How would I survive the week? Would my children hear me wish for the weekend every time they spilled their juice, argued with each other, or came crying that they were “hurt” again? I was so focused on the upcoming weekend to bring contentment and happiness that I found myself being very discontent with the happenings of the current day. I was impatient, distracted, and irritable.