Who Is It All About?

November 24, 2024 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

By Sharon Autry

Several years ago, my son repeated almost every night, “Do you know who it’s all about?” We would play along. “Who?” With a huge smile, “It’s all about God!” he’d say.

Too many times I find myself feeling like I’m getting the raw end of the deal. “Why do I have to clean up after everybody? Why am I the one who has to get up and let the dog in at 5 AM? Why can’t we have what they have?”

Remind me, “Who is it all about again?” 

It seems our society constantly pushes us toward discontentment, telling us we deserve better. Phil Vischer spoke of this when he examined why his company Big Idea Productions fell:

“‘You deserve it’ comes…from the worst part of our sinful natures, the part that always wants another cookie, a bigger house, a nicer TV. Advertisers know the power of that voice…the new car, the ridiculously high-fat dessert… Do you need it? Of course not. But you DESERVE it…I will avoid any product that tries to influence my purchase…by telling me I deserve it….If I deserve it, it must follow that someone else does not” (excerpt from Me, Myself and Bob).

With Jesus as our model, we are called to show our children how to live a life of humility. When I spend more than I can afford, eat more than I should, and speak words of disappointment to my family, I’m showing them how to be “full of themselves” rather than full of humility. 

PRAYER: God, I’m thankful You don’t get tired of giving me chance after chance. It’s a reminder that it’s not about me, “It’s all about You!

“You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had, who though he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking on the form of a slave, by looking like other men, and by sharing in human nature. He humbled himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:5-8 NET.

Today’s devotion by Sharon Autry, co-founder of Mom and Loving It Ministries – setting women free to impact the next generation. Visit www.momandlovingit.com for tips and resources. Sharon and Pat, married 16 years, have 3 children. They live near Sharon’s hometown of Whitesboro, Texas.

About Sharon Autry

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