Colorful Jewels

March 7, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caro Jackson –

Traveling along the roads of Texas this spring and early summer has proven to be a feast for the eyes, especially those known as the backroads. Having recently rebounded from terrible drought conditions, which had occurred throughout the state for the past several years, the roadsides have come alive with color and texture which often take my breath away. Read more

Why I Go to Church

March 2, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caroline Jackson –

We often wake up on Sunday and think that God won’t mind if we miss a morning in church because He knows our hearts anyway. I discovered recently why this doesn’t work for me and why I try to faithfully attend. Read more

Road News

February 5, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

Caroline T. Jackson –

We are on the road again…heading out to a remote part of Texas with vistas so wide and diverse that you might think that you were viewing more than the landscape of one state. This morning the air was crisp and fresh with the frosty due covering the hood of the truck and coating the shell of our Airstream, making it shine like a sparkling diamond. We spent yesterday bringing the “silver twinkie” out of hibernation and loading up with food, clothing, and enough books to last a season even though we only have about 10 days to take in the wide open spaces.
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Spring Planting

January 23, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caro Jackson

It is spring and of course for those of us who find our “passion” often lies in the in the physical action of digging in the dirt…our time has come.  We gather our hoes and rakes and shovels with the single intent of putting a fresh face on our outer bounds.  Following the cool refreshing rain of a couple of weeks ago, little bits of green have begun to shine through the dingy color laid down by winter. We march forth with the eagerness of suffragettes on a mission.
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A Grandmother’s Heart

January 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caroline T. Jackson

So much has changed in my life over the past few months. I became a grandmother. Or maybe I should say that we became grandparents. I was always told that there was nothing like it in the world and that your life would never be the same. I laughed inwardly at that suggestion, never wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings and looked forward to my daughter’s due date as just another very special day.

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