Final Note

April 14, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caro Jackson –

Our trip is over but one of the best ways to end it was spending a night at Palo Dura Canyon in the Panhandle near Canyon, Texas. We left a day early and were sad because we weren’t able to spend a couple of days with the major portion of Front Street. We set out for the first time in two cars as I was following Don home for a change and not riding in the passenger seat. We left at 6:30 a.m., just as the eastern sky was getting light, and headed south toward Alamosa with only one small pass to cross. May I just say that any pass in total fog makes me feel as though I am driving off the edge of the world. La Veta Pass was shrouded in a fog that I can only compare with an old Sherlock Holmes movie and I had no idea whether I was following anyone. Breaking out into the light of day was a gift from above.

The remainder of the day was spent with a book on tape where I almost resented Don calling to check in with me! But I did insist that we take the slight detour and head to Palo Dura for our stop that night. We were practically the only campers there, so we got an awesome spot in one of the areas. Now,  a slight cold front had come through and the air was very chilly—unusually so for August—but we were happy to have it. Along with the cool front came the clouds, which, of course, meant that the sunset would be a nonissue on the bright orange and red cliffs surrounding us. This was almost a slap in the face of my artistic endeavors! We made the drive around the park catching some of the vistas with the camera, and lo and behold the sun came out and the colors of the cliffs and the shadows strengthened, and my final day was rewarded with eye popping oranges and reds contrasted with bright greens, a result of recent rains. We relished the last rays of the day reminiscing about the last two months but looking forward to returning home and family. We arose early before the sunrise and departed with the first rays of the morning coming up behind us. I should have stayed for that part of the day, but the pull of home was strong, and besides, I had to finish this book before I got home or I would have to sit in the car until I did!

Having finally unpacked the trailer and mowed the head high grass in Doss and having traded in one car and a truck for a new truck, I headed to Fort Worth to help with Caroline (such a sacrifice) as she was under the weather. Wade had just finished a 60+ race in Wichita Falls, Blair was out of town and coming home sick as well, and Ann had been on grandmother duty overtime. Caroline will be one year old tomorrow and has totally stolen my heart, because she is a “people” now and we have rolled on the floor, read the same page on one book over and over, been to the zoo, and shared squashed banana together. What more could I ask for? Roaming the countryside is a gift for the eye, but holding my granddaughter and seeing her smile is a gift to the heart. We are blessed with great friends and great families. God is indeed good!

About Caro Jackson

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