Why I Go to Church

March 2, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caroline Jackson –

We often wake up on Sunday and think that God won’t mind if we miss a morning in church because He knows our hearts anyway. I discovered recently why this doesn’t work for me and why I try to faithfully attend.In the midst of glorious music announcing that Christ had indeed risen and was amongst us, my heart began to swell. So full of joy in the midst of pain for friends and family that aren’t feeling whole at the moment, I discovered what God does for me every Sunday. Our minister spoke the words toward the end of his sermon that explained it all.

“HE RESTORES MY SOUL!” The moment those words left his lips, I had my reason and in the moment that he uttered that phrase, you could have heard a pin drop in that beautiful little sanctuary. If you couldn’t hear the peace and the quiet at that moment, then you weren’t tuned into the right frequency. He restores our souls and He does it every day if we only listen for that still quiet voice as He walks beside us or carries us through our trials. May God restore yours today and every day!

About Caro Jackson

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2 Responses to “Why I Go to Church”
  1. Karen King says:

    How true, Caro. I’m going to get my son to read this article by leaving it on his desk. Not too subtle. He’s been in church all of his life but now he is 34 and has fallen away from going. He doesn’t realize what he is missing out on by not going. He works Saturday and often is tired. But the pay off for going is so great. Thanks for this timely article!
    Karen King

  2. Robin J. Steinweg says:

    We do need to worship together! We get fired up, refreshed, re-visioned, and redirected. We get prayed for, loved on,and re-purposed. Thanks for REminding us!

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