Summer Plans

April 3, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Caro Jackson –

“Laughter is the beginning of prayer,” states a quote I read yesterday on my wonderful calendar. I think it might be better than a bumper sticker, and I hope that you will find something to laugh about today.

We are traveling on the road, escaping the heat, and have settled into cooler climes. We have some friends here, who make it all the more delightful. The weather is awesome with cool mornings and warm afternoons and a touch of rain thrown in. My husband has already found some streams to fish, and I have been able to go on my own to paint, yea! I have already read three books, which may be a record—ought to be caught up for various book clubs.

We left our home base with the idea that this would be good time to try to drop those extra pounds that seem to follow us around. South Beach seemed to be a good way to start so we vowed to begin after our weekend in the Texas mountains with friends. Thank goodness, because I would have missed the desserts that we shared with good friends. So off we went toward Colorado, studying the method to become mere shadows of our former selves. Right!

When I began telling the driver, who shall remain nameless, what was NOT on the list, the light went out of his eyes and he began to feel weakness in his knees. After several meals, he said he felt like he was going to die. You do feel a little devoid of energy. Could be the fact that you are getting no sugar.

When we arrived here, we were met by friends we had met last year who came to greet us. Of course, they immediately invited us for a cocktail which is a no-no. Not good. Three days and we were back to the beginning. No longer able to blame the lack of energy on the altitude, we began a modified version which will probably not modify us enough, but it is a start.

We were invited to dinner the second night at the home of good friends who have a knockout house on a hill with a view to kill, and we were presented with fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn from a special restaurant here. Wanting to be the perfect guests, we dug in and vowed to start dieting another day.

Breakfast is about the only thing under my control and we have altered it as well. I am convinced that the only way for us to actually get through the first two weeks is to lock the two of us up at home and throw away the key. So I have renamed ours the “trailer trash” diet and we are moving on doing the best that we can with a tiny fridge and three pans.

We are off to the mountains today with friends so perhaps we will add a little more exercise to the mix although the dogs make me take a long walk each day. I guess the bottom line is just to enjoy where we are, do what we can, and remember to laugh. Have a great week!

About Caro Jackson

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One Response to “Summer Plans”
  1. NikeChillemi says:

    Great article. Gave me a chuckle. 🙂

    Don’t give up on the modified version. Get something you can live with and stick to it. You will loose in the long run. Just stick to it. It’s still less than you were eating before.

    Add a glass of water before each meal. That fills you up and you’ll want to eat less. Try to go for smaller portions. Again be realistic. You have to eat. Your in Texas, not France…the portion doesn’t have to be tiny.

    And don’t anything the entire three hours before you go to bed.

    Yep…increase your movement. Again, you don’t have to run five miles, especially if you’ve been a couch potato. Just move.

    I know, I’m moving on a modified diet of my own.

    Thanks for a good laugh and a great article.

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