Wake Up Call
August 25, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Lisa Buffaloe
My first years as a stay-at-home mom left me drained and exhausted. When our son, Scott, finally started sleeping through the night, he rose before dawn, wide-eyed and eager for the day. I begged God, “Please make him stay asleep longer.” Poor little guy did not have a sweet mommy when he bounded on my bed in the mornings.
Things That Make you Go Hmmm
August 24, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Rachael Sales
Isn’t it funny that as times goes on, it gets darker and darker out here? I guess funny isn’t the word because the Word lets us know that it will. I mean we are promised that it will. It is written that in these last days darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the people. (King James Version, Isaiah 60:2)
You are in Gods Care
August 23, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Courtney Rogers
How strong is your faith? I never really knew the answer to that question until God decided to test my faith. A little over two years ago, I found out that I had a thyroid disease. It was nothing serious at first. All I had to do was take some medicine.
Children of God
August 22, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By John T. McNeal
Have you ever noticed how long it takes a parent to train a child not to do something? In most cases, all it takes is simple communication on why you don’t want that child to do something, but sometimes it’s not so simple.
Facing Obstacles
August 21, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Jennifer Kearson
Recently, when I was talking to a few friends, we began to discuss crazy things that get in our way of success. For example, negative people, unrealistic goals, money, time, fear and many others. Actually, I was the one who had mentioned negative people.