“Emergency, Emergency”
June 8, 2020 by Jarrod Spencer
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Jarrod Spencer –
“What are you going to be when you grow up?” If you ask my son this question, his answer will be “a fireman.” Over his short forty-seven month life, he has told us that he is going to be a Chinese-food worker, a Pizza Hut worker, and a few other occupations when he grows up. The latest, a fireman, has come after being introduced to the movie “Fireproof.”
Wanting to be a fireman has invoked a wide range of imaginative play. He takes the plug-in side of a cell phone charger to be the walkie-talkie that a fireman uses. He has used his bicycle helmet to be fireman’s helmet. He uses a small oatmeal container with a bungee cord through it as an oxygen container. It is rarely a dull moment when his imagination is in full swing and “Fireman Caleb” comes out to save the day.
Recently, I picked up a play fireman’s hat for him. The other night my son was going through his pre-bedtime ritual when I heard him exclaim, “Uh oh, Dad, your razor is in the toilet.” I ventured into the bathroom to find that one of the attachments to my mustache trimmer was located at the bottom of the toilet. My fourteen-month old daughter decided to exercise her new talent. As I reached into the water my son exclaims, “Emergency, emergency!” He had gone into his room to put on his newly acquired fireman’s hat. Now he came into the bathroom with only a t-shirt, underwear, and his toy fireman’s helmet. As I pulled the attachment out of the toilet, I couldn’t help but laugh.
As I thought about this situation, I think that God must have his moments where He watches us scurry around in our “emergency” situations and is thinking, “Relax, I have this all under control.” Do you go through situations like that? However, in the grand scheme of things they are pretty little? Maybe it is losing your keys, missing a turn, forgetting an assignment at home, or a host of other issues we face.
Does God become worked up over those types of examples? I seriously doubt it. So why do we?
Are you in the middle of an emergency? Remember that God has these things all under control.
PRAYER: Father, may I rest in You. May your Spirit prompt me to rely on You and not me in matters I deem as an emergency.
BIBLE VERSE: “’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42 NIV).
The Christmas Plan
May 28, 2020 by Carin LeRoy
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Carin LeRoy –
Last Christmas season I set aside a day to do my holiday baking. Homemade treats for family and friends would make nice gifts. I baked several mini cakes and then started making candy. Everything was going well. The cakes were in the oven, and the candy neared completion. Then a distraction caused me to burn the candy. When removing the mini cakes from their pans, they fell out in crumbles and chunks. Frustrated, I made a second batch of candy, only to have it fall out of the refrigerator and cover the floor.
It wasn’t a good day. All my time, effort and money accomplished nothing. About that time, my hubby walked in and looked at the mess in the kitchen. Hearing my complaints and seeing my frustration, he suggested we go out to eat. I walked out the door with him and left my baking disasters behind. My plans to have homemade treats as gifts were unsuccessful.
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there were those who wanted to destroy God’s plan to send a Savior to earth. Hearing from the Magi that the King of the Jews was born, King Herod thought his throne was threatened. He searched to find baby Jesus to kill him. Angels appeared to the Magi and to Joseph in dreams to warn them, and they were able to avoid King Herod and escape his evil plan (Read Matthew 1-2). God was able to accomplish His plan and purpose to send a Savior to the world for the forgiveness of sins.
In Proverbs 19:21 we read, “Many are the plans of a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Isn’t it great to know that God’s plans and purposes always succeed? Even though we have days that don’t meet our expectations, we have a God whose power accomplishes all that He has intended. Our lives are in His hands, and he is able to accomplish His every purpose.
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, that Your purpose and plans always succeed. Thank You for the gift of Your son, Jesus, who came to earth to provide us with forgiveness of sin.
BIBLE VERSE: “An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son” (Matthew 2: 13-15 NIV).
Black and Blue
May 26, 2020 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Hally Franz –
There are two types of people—those who shop on Black Friday and those who do not. I love Black-Friday-shopper types. Typically, they are outgoing and adventurous folks, fun-loving with just a pinch of crazy that I appreciate in people.
I am not a Black Friday shopper. On the day after Thanksgiving, I’m on the floor surrounded by boxes and bows, and my daughter and I wrap Christmas gifts that I have purchased weeks earlier. We watch holiday movies and work at ease. I deliver doses of cocoa to my husband and son as they work on the “exterior illumination”, and we founder on snacks and chili. I am nowhere near a crowded parking lot or cash register.
Consequently, I’ve had nearly all my shopping done since early November. And, while I avoided Black Friday, my annual weekend shopping excursion did leave me with a case of the blues.
After spending almost an hour in one of my favorite stores, I emerged with two bags of pampering products. The lighter and lesser bag included lotions and hand washes. The other was a great deal heavier, full of oil burners and candles. Its value was $84.26.
Shopping with my mom and sister, I evidently set the bag down and it didn’t make it to the van. I didn’t realize I’d lost one until we arrived home the next day.
I called several stores and the mall office, but the bag hadn’t been turned in. I then began going through the process of grieving the lost bag. First, there was guilt. How could I have been so careless? I imagined my frugal father wincing and shaking his head in Heaven. I chastised myself for drinking too much diet soda; we all know it kills brain cells!
Next, I entered the anger phase. Why had no one returned my bag? I would have. I wondered how someone could just take the gifts painstakingly selected and purchased, especially at the holiday season. I was indignant over the situation!
Finally, there was acceptance. I thanked God our family would be fine without the wasted $84.26. My husband works hard for each dollar, and they all have a place to go, but we are blessed, and it’s okay.
So, what’s the $85 lesson?
We make mistakes, and the world is full of sin, but His birth gives us hope. And, that’s what makes it all okay.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, while our lives are complicated with problems, errors and sin, You are eternally perfect, righteous and holy. Thank You for Your Son and the eternal gift of hope.
BIBLE VERSE: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21 NIV).
O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbomb
May 15, 2020 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Hally Franz –
Red wire ribbon and cardinals—that might be my first choice. Given recent events, and the fact that I am geographically a member of “Cardinal Nation”, I need to clarify that I am referring to the beautiful winter bird rather than the team. Although, I know of one family who may very likely have a tree dedicated to this year’s World Series Champions.
If not the red tree, I’d like a gold and silver one with lots of shiny balls and bling. And, it would be fun to have a miniature tree in my kitchen, all decked out with tiny copper cooking utensils. Truthfully, each year as I visit Christmas stores, I admire the fabulous, themed trees. They are color-coordinated works of art. Some of them are so stunning they look good even hung upside down. Imagine that! So, each year I lament that one day I will have a themed tree in addition to our humble Franz Family tree.
What our tree lacks in design, it makes up for in variety. There are airplanes and apples, reflective of the careers my husband and I have had in aerospace and education. There are a few pickles, symbolic of an old German tradition, which I can’t accurately remember now. Some ornaments are souvenirs from summer vacations, a pair of kopeli from Arizona and twin pirate ships from the Outer Banks.
Though it is not fashionable, it could be functional. If there were an accident nearby, it would double as a first-aid kit. There are countless cotton balls and tongue depressors available by simply cannibalizing a few of my children’s handmade crafts. Of course, I would hate to do that, but what choice would I have in an emergency situation?
Our tree is not coordinated, but maybe that makes sense. Perhaps there is symmetry in the fact that this secular symbol of Christmas is humble and simple. After all, our holy symbols reflect the humble and simple scene of Christmas. Each year, as we place our nativities around our home, we are reminded of the birth of Jesus, which was anything but fancy. It was, however, beautiful and designed to perfection.
Does humble equal stunning, simple equal fabulous, and lowly equal grand? It may not when we are talking Christmas trees, but, where God is involved, you bet it does!
PRAYER: Father God, remind Your children during this holiday season of the eternal beauty in the lowly birth of Your Son, and in all the wonders of Your hand.
BIBLE VERSE: “And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them” (Luke 2:7 NIV).
Slingin’ Snot
May 3, 2020 by Elaine James
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Elaine James –
The Pastor exclaimed “I was slingin’snot!” Those were the exact words he said last Christmas season when he described his reaction to a coat drive at his church. While walking through the lobby, he saw hundreds of coats hanging everywhere, and being a very emotional person, he confessed he was “slingin’ snot,” or as another would say “crying.” I never heard anyone use that saying before, so I just had to use it as a devotional title.
A huge angelic choir announced the arrival of the Messiah. The shepherds heard it, talked it over and wanted to see for themselves if this truly was the Messiah. They were moved emotionally when they saw the Messiah. Seeing was believing! We don’t always get moved by something significant if we hear about it but when we see it with our own eyes; that is a different story. The Pastor was moved by seeing the amount of coats in the lobby of the church.
How are you moved by the significance of Christmas? I am always moved to tears when I listen to the words of Christmas songs or when the Christmas story is read. I agree with the angels who proclaimed “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to men on earth who please God.” If we want to see God and understand who He is, we must believe.
What will you do until December 25th to experience the true meaning of Christmas? I bet you can see God working this Christmas Season if you look with the same eyes the Pastor did at the church coat drive. God is working through His people all around us in so many ways.
I get the feeling I will be “slingin’ snot” over Christmas again this year!
PRAYER: Father in Heaven, thank You for this time of the year when I remember the birth of the Messiah. Help me to see and believe as the sheepherders did.
BIBLE VERSE: “At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please Him. As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.” (Luke 2:13-18 MSG).