Tour Bus Perspective
Perspective. It’s all in the way you look at something. In most of life’s circumstances we have the choice to look at something negatively or positively. Sort of like the glass half full/half empty train of thought.
My family has temporarily moved into a full-sized RV in a new town, while we wait for our home to sell in our old town. Recently my daughter had a friend over to spend the night. I secretly wondered how this would play out since we were in such small quarters, but didn’t want to pass up the chance for Savannah to develop a new friendship. Honestly, I had played out all the negatives: the size, the bathroom, the lack of storage, no cable television, but interestingly enough, Savannah’s guest said, “This is just like Hannah Montana’s tour bus!” Obviously, her different perspective was much more positive than mine.
That’s how our walk with Christ is sometimes. We look at all the negatives—the “thou shalt nots” of the Christian life—and end up looking as if we have nothing better to hope for. Just as my RV thoughts could have been focused on the opportunity to get to know this sweet new friend, with the hopes of many more spend-the-nights once we settle into our new home, Christians often focus on what we consider to be the negatives of the Christian life and give very little thought to the joy, protection, peace and love we are afforded on a regular basis.
Children see life through innocent eyes. They aren’t worried about crowded RV’s or small showers. What would happen if the next time I am faced with what looks like an undesirable situation, I instead focus on the upside, the Hannah Montana Tour Bus side, and allow the negatives to be left in the dust? I’m certain God will be far more blessed with my praises than my complaining.
PRAYER: Lord, help me look at the wonderful things You have provided for me in my life. For the things tangible, thank You. For the things spiritual, thank You. For the things to come, thank You.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things,” Phil. 4:8 KJV.
Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications. In her spare time you can find her blogging, gardening and working in her community and church. Check out her blog