Breaking the Law

July 26, 2024 by  
Filed under Life Topics

Last year in our small town a friend of mine got a police citation for shooting small fireworks in her driveway on July 4th.  She was mortified and upset.  She had no idea that she wasn’t allowed to light sparklers and other small fireworks.

So, you’ll understand why when we saw our new neighbors shooting fireworks in the yard, we cautioned them about the ordinance in our town.  We didn’t want to see them end up with the same frustrations our friend had faced.  However, upon further investigation we were told that too many people complained about the tickets being written for fireworks and so the police weren’t going to enforce the ordinance.  OK…can you say, “Huh???”

Yet, as my hubby and I were tossing around opinions about this issue, I discovered some pretty sad biblical correlations.  Isn’t that what we’ve done with God’s Word in today’s society?  We have decided which rules we like and we practice those, and then those we don’t like, we complain about, to the point that some pastors won’t even preach about hot topics in the Bible because of the fallout they might experience in their congregations.  What a shame.

While it might be nice to pick and choose our own rules sometimes, the guidelines in the Bible provide guidance and protection from the enemy.  Over and over the children of Israel did their own thing and suffered the consequences of disobeying God’s instruction.  Remember, Moses missed the Promised Land because he chose his own way.

Let’s keep our eyes open for the good things God has in store for us and no matter how enticing the enemy makes his way look, obey the Word of the Lord.  In the long run, obedience provides protection and shelter in the arms of God.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to understand the way of Your Word is perfect and right for my life.  Help me use it as the guidebook for the decisions that I face.  Thank You for your faithfulness and good plan for my life.

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all,” Isaiah 53:6 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications.  In her spare time you can find her blogging, gardening and working in her community and church.  Check out her blog

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