Doubting Faithful

July 11, 2024 by  
Filed under Personal Growth

Have you ever felt like a hypocrite at church?  I have.  There are days when doubt overtakes me, when the mountains seem bigger than my faith, and the road is filled with more obstacles than I can imagine.  Sometimes I feel so small.  Then the voices of doubt are louder than my voice of faith.  I hear the voices in my head say things like, “If He loved you that much, you wouldn’t be going through all of this”, and “Look at that person over there.  At least she’s having fun.”

I’m so glad I saw these three little words in the familiar passage below: but some doubted.  Jesus knew His disciples doubted, even after all they had witnessed.  Yet their doubt didn’t disqualify them; He still commissioned them to go and do His work.  Likewise, Jesus knew we would doubt.  These words reassure us that we don’t always need to be faith-filled, but rather faithful in spite of our doubt.

PRAYER: Lord, help us with our fears and weariness, and thank You for counting us among Your faithful even when we doubt.

“When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted,” Matthew 28:17 NET.

Today’s devotion is by Cheri Cowell, Asbury Theological Seminary student, known as author and speaker on the deep questions of faith.  Her first book—Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life (Beacon Hill)—is a biblically-sound, no nonsense approach to making God-centered life choices.  For comments or to inquire about her speaking schedule, visit

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