I Cannot Do It All

June 28, 2024 by  
Filed under Family

I cannot do it all!  Why do I keep trying?  I found myself down in the dumps, wanting to change all kinds of things in my life (exercise more, cook healthier, get up earlier, be more consistent with my children, really make time for my husband), but I was completely low on the energy to change anything. 

Yesterday morning when I opened my eyes, the hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour” was on my mind. I hadn’t thought of that hymn in years, but it made me realize I wasn’t focusing on Jesus, but on all I wanted to do.  I need Him every hour.  If I start my day with Him, I am much better at noticing that He is there not just in the morning, but every hour of the day. 

Here are some of the times I need Him:

 When I cook
 When the kids are selfish
 When I’m selfish
 When a health issue comes up with my kids, my husband or myself
 When I’m exhausted
 When I feel lonely
 When I’m supposed to be three places at one time
 When I think I need 48 hours in every day
 When I need a job, but don’t feel qualified to do anything
 When my kids ask the hard questions
 When my child blurts out, “You just don’t understand!”
 When I don’t understand my husband
 When life is turned upside down by a move or loss or a job change
 When I shop for groceries or clothes
 When money is short
 When I plan birthdays
 When the kids fuss in the car
 When I feel inadequate as a mom
 When I don’t feel pretty

The list could go on and on. If we learn from Him, He makes our load easier to carry.  Wow!  That’s what every mom needs! If you’ve been carrying the load of life on your shoulders, I pray you’ll spend time with Him today and find the strength He offers for every hour. 

PRAYER: Lord, I need You.  Thank You for the strength You offer every minute.  I am amazed and excited that You want to spend every hour with me.  I need You, oh, I need You, every hour I need You, most blessed Lord I come to You.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry,” Matthew 11:28-30 NET.

Today’s devotion is by Sharon Lovejoy Autry. Sharon is the co-author of Mom and Loving It: Finding Contentment in REAL Life. She and her sister Laurie Lovejoy Hilliard make it a habit to share their joys and struggles with moms. www.momandlovingit.org.

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