A Place For Us

June 16, 2024 by  
Filed under Family

I am the proud mom of three.  I have friends who delight in their two children or five kids or nine.  Some have adopted their blessings from all over the world.  Each family delights (most days!) in the gifts of their children.

Our children, when born or adopted into our homes, take a special place.  They wear our name; have a space in our homes, a place at the kitchen table, their own bed and pillow, shoes, socks and clothes of their own.  They have sippy cups and toothbrushes that belong to them.  When other kids come to play, it is obvious to whom the toys belong!    

As believers, He has called us His children.  What a special title.  We are children of the Creator.  Think about it…our own spot in His house and heart.  We have someone who is there when our eyes open in the morning, stays through the day, and who watches over us all night.  He provides and cares for us beyond what we can imagine.  Sometimes as adults, we feel lost in the chaos of the day.  The weight of the world can be overwhelming.  But, we aren’t in this alone.  There is a place for us.

Just as we come when our kids call us, as a caring parent, God comes when we call with personal encouragement, discipline, acts of service, or whatever it is that we need.  He doesn’t grow weary of us, but loves us completely, indefinitely,—relentlessly.  A full house—nah!  He doesn’t have just a few kids, yet He always has room for more.  Do you know Him?  He has a place at His table just for you.     

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord for the incredible honor of being called Your child.  I am amazed at the love You’ve given when I haven’t earned it and don’t deserve it.  Thank You for allowing me to have children of my own so I have a glimpse of how You feel about me.

“See what sort of love the Father has given to us: that we should be called God’s children—and indeed we are!”  I John 3:1 NET.

Today’s devotion is by Sharon Lovejoy Autry.  Sharon is the co-author of Mom and Loving It, Finding Contentment in Real Life.  She and her sister Laurie Lovejoy Hilliard make it a habit to share their joys and struggles with moms.  www.momandlovingit.org

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