The Blame Game

June 11, 2024 by  
Filed under Life Topics

If you had siblings when you were growing up, then you probably know quite a lot about the blame game. Being the oldest of three kids, I must say that there was plenty of blame passed around at my house during the 1970s. Since that time my brother will tell you that most of the time when my sister got in trouble it was because of something I had thought of doing, he had done and she had gotten blamed for. Sadly, that is probably pretty close to the truth.

I’ve seen this same concept passed on to my children. Some might say it’s because of my own behavior as a child that my children pass the buck back and forth—indicating God is punishing me for childhood pranks and silliness. But, recently when Tucker (my three-year-old) told me “the elf did it” and it wasn’t anywhere near Christmastime, I began thinking how early in life mankind starts shifting the blame. Unfortunately, we don’t even have to be taught this concept. It comes naturally.

Blame began in the garden with Adam, Eve and the serpent. It continued when Cain blamed Abel for offering a more acceptable offering to God and has resulted in generation after generation, including mine and yours, of people who do not take responsibility for their actions. In fact, most of what’s fixable in the world is just a matter of people taking their commitments seriously. Think about it—the church, the economy, families, our government, our health, our towns—would all be drastically changed if each person involved would take their role seriously.

God’s Word repeatedly documents the blame game. It’s apparent that it’s been a problem from the beginning of time. As believers it is necessary to take responsibility, and then do the right thing. Repenting and asking forgiveness for our pass-the-buck mentality is key to gaining a respectable name as a Christian. When the world sees us as responsible, trustworthy and dependable, then they see a picture of a few of the most accurate attributes of Christ. What a picture!

Let’s give the elves a break, let’s stop jokingly saying “The devil made me do it”, and let’s take responsibility for our actions. After all, the penalty has been paid. Total forgiveness is available and a new start is just a prayer away.

PRAYER: Thank You God, for Your ultimate forgiveness extended through Your Son, Jesus. How blessed I am, that despite all the game playing and blaming, You still desire me.

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him,” 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker, co-founder of The Mission in Gunter, TX, and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications

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