An Invitation

May 26, 2024 by  
Filed under Worship

You are cordially invited to rest in the arms of the One who loves you the most, to sit at His feet in worship, to partake of His banqueting table, to receive His outrageous blessings, to bask in the glory of His presence, to see the beauty of His holiness and to drink from the well of living waters.

Doesn’t this invitation sound beautiful? We would be foolish not to R.S.V.P. Surely nothing could come up that would cause us to decline this glorious opportunity to be with such an honored guest. In my imagination I can picture a receptionist hand writing the invitation, embossing each envelope with a seal from the host and mailing them special delivery to be personally hand delivered to each recipient.  The great thought, care, time and energy taken on behalf of each perspective attendee is unsurpassed by none.

Isn’t that just what God did for mankind?  He invited us to embrace a wonderful life with Him. In our sin-stained condition He provided everything that we could ever need in the gift of His Son Jesus. He has written our invitation and placed it within the pages of His Word. The care and concern He has for each of us is personalized, deep and great. It is evident in the unique attention He offers each of us at anytime.

I’ve been reminded of this invitation lately. After experiencing a brief time of loneliness (and a little self-pity, if I am being honest) I was reminded that my life is most complete when I am focused on the One who truly meets my needs. Many times I have felt the urge to call a friend, my mother, my husband…just about anyone who would listen, before I have fallen in heartbreak to my God. Honestly, despite the good intentions of well meaning friends and family, I walk away from their words and many times still feel empty. On the contrary, I find myself filled to the brim with encouraging words from God when I visit with Him about how I am feeling. My insecurities, unworthiness and loneliness slip away as I sit at His feet. I’m reminded of His deep love for my soul and am refreshed by his forgiveness and understanding. Only He can do that.

The great truth of God is that His invitation is open to anyone who desires to come. The party is never over. You can arrive late, but I promise you won’t want to leave early! The pages of God’s Word overflow with promises of His character, His faithfulness and His love. Who would want to miss out on that?

PRAYER: Dear Father God, I am overwhelmed by Your presence and amazed that You allow me to sit at Your feet.  Thank You for Your gentle and understanding spirit when I am lonely and afraid. You are good all the time.

“Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou?  knowing that it was the Lord”, John 21:12 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker, co-founder of The Mission in Gunter, TX, and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications.


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