Opening My Big Mouth

March 25, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

Does your mouth need a leash?  I know mine does.  I'm getting better at watching what I say and speaking only of those things that lift people up.  But there is more to taming my tongue than just saying good things.  It’s also knowing the right time to say them.

You may be asking, but isn't it always good to say positive things?  Well, yes, it is better to say positive rather than negative things.  But when it comes to spiritual things, it is also good to have a sense for God's timing, for without that we could thwart the work of God.

I can only imagine how excited the leper must have been when Jesus cured and purified him.  He must have been overjoyed with what God had done, just as we are when God does something marvelous for us.  But Jesus told him to be careful, to first go to the temple and offer sacrifices. Instead, the man went out and told everyone of his good news.  Not a bad thing, but the next verse is the one that should cause our hearts to break.  As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.

PRAYER:  Lord, please forgive me for my uncontrolled tongue.  Help me to sense Your timing and to heed Your caution when my mouth could cause harm to Your message.
“And saith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them,” Mark 1:44.

Cheri Cowell, a student at Asbury Theological Seminary (Orlando), writes and speaks on the deep questions of faith. Her first book Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life (Beacon Hill) is being called a biblically-sound, no nonsense approach to making God-centered life choices. For comments or to inquire about her speaking schedule, visit

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