Come and Get It!

March 16, 2024 by  
Filed under Family

When I was growing up my mom bolted an old iron bell to the backside of the house. When it was time for dinner, chores, or some other event that she needed us home for, I heard that bell from anywhere in the neighborhood and knew I had about five minutes to get myself home. I raced from the neighbor’s house where I was playing and arrived back home out of breath, panting, waiting to see what Mom needed.

My favorite reason to be called home was dinner. Mom prepared great meals for our family; meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad—yum. The aroma hit me as I ran through the back door…and the taste never disappointed.

As I grow older, I realize Christ has this same banqueting table ready for me each day. He provides nourishment through His Word. The meal is satisfying, healthy, balanced and delicious. I never leave the table wanting or hungry. I am filled with everything He is. His Word meets every need I have in my life. His Spirit is a comfort food to my soul and He is the living water that meets my driest thirst. I need nothing when I am seated with Him.  What an awesome God I know. I’m not just thankful for His provision; I am overwhelmed by His generosity and faithfulness to me. I am finding out each day that He is more than I can ever attain—exceeding every want and need.

PRAYER: Father, thank You for loving me and inviting me to Your banquet. Thank You for feeding me from Your word and for satisfying my soul.

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love,” Song of Solomon 2:4 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker, co-founder of The Mission in Gunter, TX, and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications.

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