My Hands are Full

March 2, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Courtney Rogers 

I was watching some two year olds in nursery one time at church. One of the little boys was fascinated with some toy cars. His hands were so full of toys, but there was a better toy car sitting on the floor. The little boy wanted that car so badly, but he could not grasp it. As much as he tried to grab the little car with his fingers, he couldn’t. His hands were too full. Why doesn’t he just put the other toys down?

As we get older, we still find ourselves with the same problem. Sure, we may not have our hands full of tiny toy cars, but we begin to find ourselves becoming very busy. Between church, work, school, kids, and sports we quickly start to become overwhelmed. We take on so many different things that we begin to lose focus on the things that really matter. We soon realize that we can’t do everything. We make a list in our head of our top priorities. Sadly, our quiet times with God rarely make the list. All of the things that we are involved in are genuinely good things. Satan realizes that we try to do everything for everyone, therefore putting all of these good things in our lives. He realizes that we will lose focus on our walk with God.

The next time you start to feel overwhelmed with all of the things that are going on in your life, stop. Take a step back, rely on God, and think on the things that are truly important. Realize that God is never too busy for us, and give Him the time that He deserves. “When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way…” Psalm 142:3a

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