Stillness in the Chaos

February 27, 2024 by  
Filed under Worship

Stillness. The trees in the forest on a humid summer’s day echo the stillness of the earth. It’s peaceful, tranquil, relaxing and quiet. Yet, in the 21st century, stillness is almost unheard of. The modern family is employed by demanding, stressful jobs, has one or two kids in one or two extra-curricular sports or activities and is busy trying to juggle the responsibilities of home ownership, a declining economy and marriage. And the juggle is becoming a struggle.

It’s time to be still. God’s Word doesn’t suggest that we take some time to get still before the Lord. It’s not optional—it’s commanded. The psalmist wrote the command straight from the mouth of God. The responsibility falls on the believer. With all the advantages to being still before the Lord, you would think that as Christians, we would be falling on our knees—but instead, we worry, lose sleep, get angry and become depressed.

The cure to the stress disease is getting still and realizing who God is. In taking time to meditate on Him, we find He is the answer to every trouble we encounter. Focusing on His strength reminds us of our weakness and places our hearts and minds in a place of humility, emptiness and consecration…and that’s where He wants us.

Recently, I’ve fallen into “stillness” mode for an extended time. During an extremely stress-filled circumstance I chose to follow the principle of stillness. I’d like to say that I never wandered from my post, but I can’t. Stillness doesn’t come natural to me. But, I can testify to the peaceful presence of God during these still moments. As I sat before Him, I was in awe that in those moments, His glory, majesty and power engulfed my mind as the stress and chaos of this world faded away.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for your presence in my life when I obey and am quiet before You. Thank You for the peace You bring to my life and the refreshment to my soul.

“Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10a KJV.

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