Facing Obstacles

September 16, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Jennifer Kearson  

Ever since we have been placed on this Earth, we have been bombarded with obstacles. Some may seem harder than others; however, God will not let us face more than we can handle. As many of us have experienced it, facing obstacles is not an easy task, but it is what makes us become stronger Christians.

A great example of someone who faced many obstacles was Joseph. He started out by having family troubles. After all he was the one who received a long-sleeved coat with many different colors, and his brothers knew he was the one Jacob saw as his heir. Another obstacle he encountered was a plot to kill him. Joseph’s brothers tore his coat and threw him into a well. Despite his many obstacles, Joseph remained faithful. Eventually, Joseph was sold to Portipher and his wife had him sent to prison stating Joseph was going to attack her. Even in prison, Joseph remained calm. Soon, the Pharaoh discovered Joseph had the gift of interpreting dreams and before he knew it, he was in a position of authority along with the Pharaoh.  One final obstacle he faced was being reunited with his brothers. Did he forget them or go against them? No! Joseph showed his love for them, and he even helped them in their time of need. Joseph forgave them because he realized his obstacles were the work of God. Joseph was placed in these situations to show that he kept his focus on God no matter how harsh the situation was.

Of course, we might not face obstacles as extreme as the ones that Joseph had to face, but we do sometimes come across obstacles that turn us away from God. Many obstacles seem to linger forever while others hurt to the point that we can no longer take them. Just like Joseph, we need to focus on God when situations get tough. Also, we can pray and ask God for guidance.  Sometimes in our lives, God places us in situations to make us stronger or wiser.  Some of the situations we go through are created for us to help others so that they can grow in their spiritual walk.  Let’s face the fact that obstacles will always be with us, but we can fight these obstacles with the correct guidance, will and support.


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