
August 1, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Rachael Sales   

I took the time today to play with my one year old daughter instead of rushing her through bath time and whisking her off to bed.  I took the time today to laugh and play with her instead of giving my usual speech of not getting the floor wet or soaking her sisters’ hair.  I took the time today to listen to my three year old when she said, “I wanna come with you mommy”.  I took her with me and we had a blast just laughing together and eating Doritos.  At the end of today, I got frustrated with the demands of motherhood. After giving my all to them, they still wanted more and I bought into the lie that it required too much.

Today I grew impatient and said some things to my five year old that I regretted.  And tonight I took the time to get her out of bed, to ask her how she felt about what I’d said.  She reluctantly whispered to me “A little sad.” I took the time to feel the hurt that my actions had caused my child. And I sat in that moment without moving on to the next task for the day. I took the time; I demanded the time and told her, “Baby I am sorry.  Mommy should never have said that to you. And she took the time out of her five year old life to say, I forgive you. And today I took the time to forgive me too.

As I took the time to do this I found that many people around me were doing the same thing today. My pastor took the time out of his busy schedule to come to my house and bring me a gift that was specific to me. My husband took the time today to cook dinner for me after having a full day of work himself. A Christian man at the gas pump gave me five dollars today when I found out my debit card had expired and I was six miles away from empty. They all lived life to its fullest on my behalf today. And I am inspired.

Take the time today to breathe, to not only have life, but to live more abundantly. It’s what our Christ died and rose for. Take the time today to actually hear how you are to accomplish the what that you are going to accomplish. Go forward to actually live the day to the fullest, not to just get through another day.  The future of your tomorrow rests on it today.


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