Ready With An Answer

April 22, 2023 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Carin LeRoy –


Last week while watching my grandchildren play and ride their bikes outside, a man in the complex where they lived started a conversation with me. When he learned my husband and I had been missionaries, he began to talk about God. Sharing a little of his life history, he told me he had been homeless several times and struggled with addictions. He wanted to talk about spiritual things and hear my thoughts.  He felt he was bound by His lifestyle and choices, and it was clear he desired life to be different.

As we talked about God, the Bible, and life, I struggled to find what might best speak to His heart. Several times in the conversation the Lord brought several verses to mind, so I shared those with him. Although he was familiar with the Bible, I challenged him to read the book of John again and claim a few specific promises for himself.  At the end, he thanked me for talking with him and said, “Pray for me.”

Although I felt inadequate for the conversation, it is our responsibility as Christians to share with others when the Lord gives us opportunity. The lost are searching, and we have God’s truth that will set them free and change their lives.

The Holy Spirit will guide us as we talk with others, but we must also be diligent. God wants every Believer to be prepared to answer questions about our faith in Christ. Be ready and study God’s word.

The memorization of Scripture will help equip us. Paul instructs us to, “Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately” (2 Timothy 2:15 NET). Let’s remember how important it is to know God’s word and memorize verses that will help us witness to others.

PRAYER: Father, help me to be diligent to study Your word and memorize Scripture. Give me opportunities to witness to those who do not know You. Guide me when I have an opportunity to speak about You.

“…I am sending you  to open their eyes so that they turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share among those who are sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26:17-18 NET).

About Carin LeRoy

Today's devotional is by Carin LeRoy, wife to Dale and mother of three grown children and one almost-grown teenager. She has been a missionary with Pioneers since 1982. Her passions are family, missions, piano, and writing to challenge others to live faithful lives for God.
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