Artist Spotlight: Rita Springer

November 13, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Mark Bowyer 

From an early age, Rita Springer was pouring her heart out to God in song—whether she could express herself to others or not.  Rita Springer takes the rough edges of an independent, alternative praise and worship sound, and mixes it with the Godly undertones of a soulful songstress.  With simple tracks like “All I need,” and “Worth it All,” less truly is more—choosing to let the repeated phrases speak for themselves rather than complicate the songs with anything extra.

Rita's Myspace Music page, and, both show her excitement for music and enthusiasm for teaching worship.  Her video blogs go on to further explain her motivations.  Being on an independent label has not hurt her professional image.  If anything, it seems to have helped her in this area of music.  Her music's large sound seems to be directed to groups, as most praise and worship music is, but in the quietness of other melodies, it still grabs the heart of the individual.

Four years after adopting a son, Rita became interested in starting a worship school called D.I.V.E.  In 2009, she has been releasing singles and the new CD “Be Quiet.”  It seems that the sky is the limit for this founder and director of Deep Innovative Vertical Expression.  Whatever she sets her mind on, she knows that God will bless it.                     

To learn more about this artist, visit


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