After the Chase

August 27, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Music Interviews

By Randy L. Henderson

It is rare to find a person who writes lyrics, composes melodies, plays multiple instruments, and loves God with all their heart. Now imagine two of these unique, artistic people joining their gifts to serve God together.

This is the core of After the Chase: husband and wife duo, Nathan and Jenna Strong. As worship leaders and performers, their approach to music is unique. When performing live, they bring more than music to the stage. They add drama and stories to their songs and they also mix in their own quirky sense of humor to every concert. When leading worship, they point towards Jesus as the one person who has the power to change us, and in changing us, to change the world.

The name of the band, After the Chase, comes from an old Southern saying about romance: "He chased her until she caught him." "Throughout our lives," says Nathan, "we find ourselves chasing after God, only to find that God has been catching us all along. Our music is our response to being caught up in the unconditional love offered to every one of us by the Creator of the universe.

One of the songs on their newest release entitled: “ Make Me New,” stands out as an acoustic/cello creation that will envelope the listener in Nathan’s lyrical passion. “No More” is the aptly titled song that conveys the promise that God will always be there for us.
Jenna Strong takes over lead vocal chores on the more moody and emotion-laden, “In This Place,” a song she wrote. Jenna imbues the lyrics with an intimacy that is as striking as it is refreshing. She is equally vulnerable on her self-penned hymn of repentance, “Second Chance.” “It’s a second chance for the third time,” she laments. “Another 'I forgive you' that shouldn’t be mine.”

With a passion for short-term missions, for the environment, and for social justice, Nathan and Jenna strongly believe that a life of faith is useless unless that faith is expressed in real, concrete action.

To learn more about this artist, visit:;


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