Lord, Help My Unbelief!

June 11, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Nina Medrano—

Yesterday was a fun day out with my youngest sister.  It was the first nice warm weather day that we’d had since winter, so we went shopping and then out for lunch.  Next we went to the lake and fed bread to the ducks.  Yes, the warmth from the sun and the relaxed fellowship with my sister did us both good.

As the time to pick up the girls from school drew near, we gathered our belongings and laughed our way back to my truck.  My little sister slid into the passenger seat, still smiling, and said, “Thanks Sis, thanks for today.”

It’s been a difficult year for our family, especially the last seven days.  Cancer cells have invaded my grandfather’s liver, throat and spinal cord.  It’s very heartbreaking to see him suffer such pain.

As we approached the school building my cell phone bleeped letting me know that I had a text message waiting.  I parked my truck and my sister ran to meet the girls.  I read my message, “Grandpa has decided to take chemo—starting today.  The doctor will discharge him from the hospital in a couple of days.  Grandpa needs all of our courage!”

I didn’t realize that I had been holding my breath until I released a heavy sigh.

Last night I could not sleep, thinking about the last part of the text message, “…Grandpa needs all our courage.”  My grandfather is saying that he wants to live longer and he wants to defeat cancer.  He is asking us to join him in faith and in fight because he does not know how long he can endure.

Unable to sleep, I lay in bed, wrestling with my unbelief.  I am reminded of the story of the boy Jesus healed, written in Mark 9:23-25 (NKJ), “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’  Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’”

Like the father of this child, I too cried out, “Lord, please take my unbelief and change it into faith—like water into wine.  Please increase what little faith I have so I may confidently speak to the mountain cells of cancer and cast them into the sea.  Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief!

Like many warriors of God before me, I lay at His feet, trembling in my weakness of faith, desperately crying for a supernatural intervention, seeking for a miracle to take place.

Sometime in the night, I fell asleep.  When I awoke, I felt suited up in armor and ready for battle.  May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be with us all who battle against cancer.

Ephesians 6:10-13 (New King James Version)
The Whole Armor of God
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Nina Medrano writes for her church blog: http://www.cotrwomensministry.blogspot.com/

Deal With the Bunnies!

June 10, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Robin J. Steinweg –

Bunnies. Furry, cute, comical—and the terrors of my flower garden.

They set up housekeeping under our aluminum shed and did what bunnies do: eat, sleep and multiply. They decimated my strawberries, devoured my moss roses and poppies, shredded the hostas and nibbled my clematis to the ground. The marigolds I planted to deter them? Eaten.

Natural repellants and even the dog didn’t stop them. We got a safe trap and caught a baby. I watched from the window as Little Peter bloodied his pink nose trying to get to his mama stationed outside the cage. Repentant, I ran out, opened the trap and said, “I give up! Live. Eat.”

I started feeding them along with the birds.

For the next years I experimented with flowers they might not eat, and enclosed my favorites with ugly chicken wire. I complained and ranted from the kitchen: “Nefarious bunnies! How I wish you’d be gone!” I watched them play, scratch their ears and stretch out in the shade.

A few weeks ago I realized I hadn’t seen a bunny in awhile. I went to look, and found telltale hunks of fur strewn about. A hawk? A few days later I saw feathers. That seemed to confirm the hawk theory. But no bunnies appeared. The next week I spotted the cause: two young feral cats skulked on our swing-set, eyeing my feeders. I opened the door and they vanished—under the shed—where my cute furry nefarious bunnies used to snuggle. Now we have a family of not cute, tricksy, sneaky cats living off the fat of my birdfeeders (I don’t dare put seed out now), protected from the weather and soiling our former sandbox. If only we had dealt with the bunnies and filled in the area under the shed in the first place.

It occurs to me that sin can be like this. I have my pet “faults”; not too bad, possibly even pleasant. I may complain about them. But if the Holy Spirit convicts me and I tolerate or even nurture them—don’t allow Him to deal with them—those “innocent” sins are swallowed up and replaced by sneakier, faster, more predatory sins. Deal with the bunnies!

PRAYER: Lord, examine my heart for sins I’ve tolerated as cute, acceptable, or even comical. Help me to deal with them before worse ones move in. Thank You for revealing them, helping and forgiving me.

“Say a quiet yes to God and He’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field” (James 4:8 MSG).

Today’s devotional is by Robin J. Steinweg. Robin’s life might be described using the game Twister: the colored dots are all occupied, limbs intertwine (hopefully not to the point of tangling), and you never know which dot the arrow will point to next, but it sure is fun getting there!

Time Has Not Come

June 10, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Janet Morris Grimes –

Jesus knew what would happen, once he left the solace of the wood shop behind. As the world found out about him, some would love him while others hated him. Some would use him, trying to twist his words and actions to manipulate others. While others, those who were hurting, would chase him from town to town, ready to sacrifice anything just for the chance to touch the hem of his garment.

He knew big, life-changing plans were in the works, but he kept it a secret, content to follow God’s plan on God’s timetable.

His first recorded miracle took place at a wedding during his 30th year. There as a guest with his family, his mother came to him to present a problem that could cause embarrassment to their hosts.

“They have run out of wine.” Mary explains, saying nothing further.

But Jesus understands. “Why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come?”

He knows a miracle is needed, even if it is a small one;  a surface-level miracle rather than an eternal one. He knows it’s just the kind of miracle we would try to perform, if we could do such a thing. We could fill a need and wow an audience at the same time.

After a few moments of thought, Jesus stepped out onto the public stage, aware that all of his preparations in advance were about to pay off. He would later rely that deep relationship with God that he had fed through the years.  He would call on those scriptures filed away in both his memory and his heart. Jesus spent 30 years figuring out who he was and what he was all about before ever revealing it to the world.

If you ever feel as if nothing is happening in your life, consider the fact that God may be using this time He has alone with you to get you ready for whatever is next. Maybe it is a public stage and perhaps it is not. Take advantage of the time without distractions. He appreciates the opportunity to reveal himself to you, in the most personal of ways.

It’s your heart He is after. And once He has that completely, He can’t wait to share it with the world. Because your story is His story, and when people get to know you, they might also get to know Him as well.

And that is what I call a miracle, only when the time is right. Truly worth the wait; God’s plan on God’s timeline.

On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus mother was there and Jesus and his disciples had been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine” (John 2:1 -5).

“Why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

God Promises to Rescue Us from Pit-iful Living!

By Julie Morris –

There’s nothing I wanted more than to lose weight… yet I struggled for 30 miserable years, humiliated by extra pounds, failed diets and vicious cycles of shame and bingeing. Finally I discovered the way out of that pitiful way of living and I lost my weight in 1982 and have kept it off. My secret isn’t a secret at all: I learned practical things I could do to rely on God’s power at work in me.

The Message Bible paraphrase explains exactly what happened to me, and what can happen to you too. It might sound too good to be true, but I can tell you from personal experience that it’s not. “God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating” (Colossians 1:13-14).

If you’re trying to quit overeating or turn from other destructive habits, let me ask you a few questions to help you understand the awesome promises and commands in this short passage. Take a few minutes right now and write out your answers:

1. What dead-end alley or dark dungeon are you trapped in?

2. What sins have you felt doomed to keep repeating?

3. What are you doing to allow God to rescue you? If you’re not doing anything, what can you do to reach out to Him?

4. Has Jesus ever helped you to get out of “pit-iful” living? How did He help you? If you haven’t experienced His help, do you know anyone who has? Call and ask them about it!

5. Do you believe that Jesus can set you free? Do you believe that He will? If not, ask Him to give you faith to believe that He keeps His promises.

6. Say this prayer out loud:

God, thank You for promising to rescue me from the dead-end alleys I have been wandering down. I’ve been struggling so hard, but getting nowhere. It feels like I keep going down the same road…over and over…until I hit a brick wall and there’s no place else to go, so I go back and do the same thing all over again.

I have often felt like I was living in a dark dungeon—depressed and ashamed. But, even though I don’t deserve it, You promise to set me up in the kingdom of Your Son. And You tell me something else amazing: Jesus has already gotten me out of the pit and my pit-iful way of living! And He has gotten rid of the sins I felt doomed to keep repeating! The prison door is open. My white linen suit is there waiting for me. All I have to do is to take His hand and let Him lead me out!

I am no longer a victim, but a Victor in Christ. I am no longer a creature of habit, but a New Creation in Christ. I am no longer a pitiful failure, but a Precious Child of God through Christ.

Help me, Lord, to live in the kingdom You have promised me. Show me practical things I can do to reach out to You so I can experience this new higher way of living—out of the pit…out of the shame. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Julie Morris is the founder of two weight-loss programs, Step Forward www.stepforwarddiet.com and Guided By Him www.guidedbyhim.com—a lighter and easier version of Step Forward. She is the author of 12 books and a dynamic motivational speaker. If you are experiencing pit-iful living, contact her at julie@guidedbyhim.com.

Book Review: Never Without Hope

Written by Michelle Sutton
Reviewed by Nike Chillemi –

There’s something about Michelle Sutton’s Never Without Hope that kept me turning pages. Maybe it was because the author hooked me and got me to desperately want things to get better for heroine Hope Williams. But the author wouldn’t allow that to happen. Throughout most of the novel consequences keep piling up due to Hope’s sexual sin. It was as if every time Hope took a step forward, somebody dropped a proverbial safe on her head.

This novel goes where many fear to read, into the arena of male erectile dysfunction and what happens in an otherwise happy marriage when this medical condition occurs.

The novel opens with Hope is in a world of hurt. James, the husband she loves and desires has had waning desire for her for almost a year and their sex life has been nonexistent the past six months. Aching for affection in her marriage bed, Hope tires to communicate with James about the issue and he angrily rebuffs her. When she tries to seductively entice him back into the marriage bed, he actually pushes her, physically hurting her and humiliating her. After that, she is easy pickings for the extra-marital affairs she feels herself slipping into. However, Biblically, one could argue her husband had already broken their marriage vows by leaving Hope so bereft of affection in the marriage bed. Be that as it may, the author doesn’t in any way excuse Hope for her mistakes.

To her credit, Hope does not dwell on the speck in her husband’s eye, but rather, she fully focuses on the issue of her own sin. The author depicts for us the metamorphosis of a church going Christian wife and mother who has slipped from saint to sinner. She has failed not just her family, but her God. In fact, Hope fears her sin has become so deeply rooted and pervasive in her life that God cannot forgive her. She has been drinking from another woman’s well. Yes, Hope is sleeping with another woman’s husband.

The author skillfully moves Hope through a series of emotionally devastating situations to the point where she discovers God’s love, grace, and redemption.

If I’m going to be a bit nit-picky, I’d have to say at times I got a bit tired of Hope’s first person narrative. I would have enjoyed having the story broken up some, perhaps with a scene here and there in James point-of-view.

Even thought it was Hope’s story, I felt horribly for James. The man, so frustrated and debased by his sexual dysfunction, refused not only to discuss this with his wife, he also would not see a doctor. James suffers a heart attack and discovers his erectile dysfunction was a symptom of heart disease. His treatment is successful and he and Hope begin working through their trust, marital, emotional, and spiritual issues.

This novel falls squarely into the category of edgy Christian fiction. There are some explicit scenes. However, this book just might ease the pain of a woman in the throes of an affair and help her to find her way out of that bad situation. It certainly offers spiritual encouragement to any woman with an affair in her past. This novel encourages the reader to deeper faith.

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