Bump into God in the Parking Lot

June 16, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Pam Kumpe –

Do you think God looks for us in the parking lot of life? Does he have to yell before we will respond?

My hubby’s parking lot incident sent my thoughts to wondering how I’d react if God came looking for me, or if I’d hear the Lord call my name.

One night, I had driven back to my hometown, knowing, I needed to stop at the store for groceries. I didn’t want to circle back to do this task, however my schnauzer was in the car, so I need hubby to pick her up from me.

After I begged, he offered his assistance, to make a puppy exchange in the parking lot, so I could go shopping.

I parked my car, turned on the dome light and opened my car window. Macy’s black nose twitched in the cold air as I kept watch for hubby’s red Tonka truck.

Zoom. Zoom. He rounded the parking lot, and I expected his truck to pull up behind my Honda, only he zipped right past me and turned down the other lane.

This routine of drive-bys continued five more times. Finally, I dialed his cell phone, tracking the moving target. I didn’t wait for his hello. “What are you doing?”

Of course, in my retelling of this story, my voice is much calmer and sweeter. It’s always nicer on paper.

Hubby responded with, “I can’t find you. I’ve been driving around. I’m parking my truck and since you see me, you bring Macy to my truck.”

I grabbed my puppy and walked to his truck. Handing my barking pet to hubby through the window, she licked, whined and loved on her human daddy giving him doggy smacks.

Their reunion was interrupted with my yelling words.

“Ray. Ray. Ray. R … A … Y!” I bounced up and down like a pogo stick at his window, and with each roll of the tires, I screamed his name.

When his truck crashed into the car parked in front of his, Ray realized his foot had slipped from the brake pedal.

Crash. Boom. Bang. Dents. Scrapes. Embarrassment.

I learned from this situation, to never ask my hubby to make a doggy exchange, and to never stand outside of his truck while he has a dog licking his face.

However, when it comes to God, I must be ready at all times, so I can make the best exchange of all. The Lord wants me to put on the brakes and roll ahead with victory, as he directs my steps.

Scripture tells me, that whoever listens to God will dwell safely, and will be secure without fear of evil. (See Proverbs 1:33.)

In other words, a life listening to God has less bumps, and fender bender moments, however if we need to make a love-exchange with the Lord, he’ll meet us anywhere, even in a parking lot.

He will drive up and down the lane as he searches for us, ready to deliver his message of everlasting love, the hope we all need when life crashes in, or in the case of my hubby rolls ahead and into other folks.

Pam Kumpe writes a weekly inspirational newspaper column for the Bowie County Life/ Texarkana Gazette newspaper. She is the host of “Permission to Have Fun” an online radio show filled with fun, faith and encouragement, with the idea of rejoicing in the Lord, even when life seems out of tune. http://www.pamkumpe.com

You Put Your Whole Self In…

June 16, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

By Robin J. Steinweg –

“Is this your youngest? He’s so tall! When did he mature so much?”

Startled, I looked at my son through my friend’s eyes. He had grown tall. How had I missed this latest spurt? How long was I not really paying attention? Once I’d had every eyelash, every mole, each dimpled finger memorized; his hairline mapped out; the pitch of his voice was the refrain that wound through my mind like an 8-track loop.

What things had I put my whole self into instead? A novel or a project can capture my focus, so my attention and energy converge to one point. The external world fades. I even forget meals. Most often it’s the pressure of my To-Do list.

Now properly jolted, I reacquainted myself with the features of this young man of mine. I contemplated his choice of words—the things that make him laugh or concern him—listened with care. I saw and jumped on the opportunity to ride with him in the car once a week to his choir and art classes. This had been my free morning; now it was the morning I was free to spend my most precious commodity on him.


Two captured hours with my son in the car one morning a week until the end of the semester. I’ve been told that I’ve made a sacrifice. Hmm—balance this one on the scales: my son on one hand, a few hours of my time on the other. In terms of sacrifice, I feel as though God has provided the lamb. He has gifted me with an opportunity to “put my whole self in,” as the song goes. My full focus and attention can converge to this one point. The external world can fade. My To-Do list can wait, my son’s maturing won’t.

Seconds expire the same instant they spring up. I’ll put my whole self into these!

QUOTE: “You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.” –James Matthew Barrie

“For everything there is an appointed time, and an appropriate time for every activity on earth” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV).

Today’s devotional is by Robin J. Steinweg. Robin’s life might be described using the game Twister: the colored dots are all occupied, limbs intertwine (hopefully not to the point of tangling), and you never know which dot the arrow will point to next, but it sure is fun getting there!

Crazy Wasp Syndrome

June 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Aubrey Spencer –

I spent most of the day today being held captive in my own home. Afraid to enter various rooms. Worried about my children being attacked. Anxious. Nervous. Looking over my shoulder. Basically, just “bugged” out. I’m sure you are wondering what has ruthlessly held me prisoner. It was a WASP! A mean, angry, flying like a maniac, never landing, wasp! I spent hours creeping around, armed with my sturdy flyswatter, just waiting for him to land.

Like so many things, it got me thinking. Does God sometimes have a hard time getting me to “land”? Do I fly about my day in a frenzy forgetting to be still before Him? I have a feeling I’m a lot more like that crazy wasp than I’d like to admit. Chasing him around today made me realize an important fact. I need to spend less time bouncing off the walls of busyness and more time landing in the presence of my Savior. How about you? Anyone else struggle with “crazy wasp syndrome” from time to time?

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I haven’t caught the wasp yet. He is, however, skillfully trapped behind the blinds in my living room window just waiting for my husband to come home!

PRAYER: Father, I confess that I so often let busyness get in the way of my relationship with You. Please help me to be still before You. Show me how to set aside the busyness of life in order to find rest in You.

“Be still, and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10 ESV).

Today’s devotional is by Aubrey Spencer. Aubrey is a minister’s wife and a stay-at-home mom to two little miracles, Oliver and Ava. She has a passion for writing and entertaining but realizes her greatest ministry at the moment is to raise her children to be people after God’s own heart. She loves to see how God shows up in everyday situations. Read more of her writings at http://ministrymama.blogspot.com.

Rock Eternal

June 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Heather Arbuckle-

The past two days we have been homebound due to an ice storm that hit the area on Monday night. While the first day at home was a welcome break from the hectic demands of suburban life in North Texas, the past day has seemed to drag on considerably. Cold, bored, and at times without power, I began looking through old photos.

Not long into my walk down memory lane, I stumbled upon summer vacation pics from Okaloosa Island, Florida. Our family loves everything about the beach and this former Iowa girl never tires of the wonders of the sea. The dolphins. The sunsets. The surf. We love it all. Perhaps our favorite thing to do as a family is play in the sand. For several hours each day, my three children took delight in creating their very own architectural masterpieces in the soft, white sand. And every morning, as we strolled the beach, my kids found the tide had washed their sand castles away.

Some of us never outgrow our desire to build castles in the sand. As we strive to meet life’s demands, we erect our very own creations based on worldly desires and human principles. And it seems like the right thing to do. Still, over time we watch helplessly as it all falls away. For, “unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

Truly, the LORD will not allow anything to stand that takes His place in our hearts. We are told “everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Matthew 7:26-27).

We are not to place our hope in wealth, humanity, or infrastructure. All of these things, though reassuring, are temporary. To the contrary, we are told to place our hope in eternal things. Our efforts and investments must be in those things close to the heart of God. Reading God’s prayer and regular prayer give us a strong foundation of faith. It is the state of our union with the LORD that most concerns Him, and God does not take kindly to second place. Once we truly understand the heart of God, we are free to build for Him. Only then will our efforts stand up over time and bring Him glory.

The Bible teaches us that “everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matthew 7:24-25). Truly, as God’s children, we have a moral line in the sand. It’s called the Bible and it’s truths endure time and culture.

We are His people. God’s ambassadors to a broken world. And as such, we must be mindful that “there is no Rock like our God” (1 Samuel 2:2). It is time for us to build on His promises and invest in those things our Heavenly Father holds dear. For the LORD is building His church on Christ, the Rock Eternal.

Jesus Still Walks and Talks with His Disciples

June 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness

By Laurette Willis –

During His three-year ministry on the earth, Jesus taught people in many places: in the temple, in synagogues, on hillsides, in the treasury and even from a boat.

But when He taught His disciples He did it a bit differently. Sometimes He sat with them quietly in someone’s home or an Upper Room—but I believe one place He taught them most frequently was as they walked.

Many of us are familiar with the historical account of the risen Lord Jesus speaking with two of His followers on the Road to Emmaus. “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27, NKJV).

As they walked along, He spoke with them. He taught them and He revealed truths about Himself “in all the Scriptures.”

When we purpose to walk with the Lord (both figuratively and literally), He walks with us and reveals Himself and His ways to us.

And He Walks with Me, and He Talks with Me…

Remember the chorus to that lovely old song? Roberta, a dear friend of mine, walks briskly throughout her neighborhood every morning before going to work.

During lunch together last week she told me, “Whenever I have a problem or something I’m wanting clarification on, I’ll take a walk–and I suddenly get the answer!” she said. “I think there’s some connection between walking and communing with the Lord.” I agree.

Physically Speaking: When walking, whether outdoors in your neighborhood, on a track or in mall; or indoors marching in place, or walking on a treadmill, elliptical, air-stepper or rebounder, you entire body is involved in the activity.

Walking is especially good for your brain, because it increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain. As you walk, you effectively oxygenate your brain. Maybe this is why walking can “clear your head” and helps you to think better.

When the cognitive abilities of older women were compared, those who walked regularly were less likely to experience age-related memory loss and other declines in mental function. That’s good news!

Spiritually Speaking: When you are walking, you are able to pull yourself away from the news and cares of the day (unless you’re doing your walking in front of the 6 o’clock news on TV!). You can focus more easily on the Lord. Many people Prayer Walk around their neighborhoods–praying “on site with insight” for their community. Often the Lord will have them pray specific prayers for the people in various households.

Other “Purpose-Driven” walking involves taking a passage of Scripture and meditating on it during your walk. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and give you revelation on passages of Scripture, just as Jesus did with His disciples.

Another simple strategy is to pray for your family as you briskly walk away from your home for 10-15 minutes, and then praise, rejoice and thank the Lord for answered prayer on your way back!

My favorite walking is a walking workout–walking to motivating music while speaking the Power Promises of God.

Whichever you choose, the Lord still walks and talks with His disciples when we walk and talk with Him.

What’s your favorite way to walk with the Lord?

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry (http://PraiseMoves.com, http://PowerPromises.com and on Facebook http://bit.ly/aAlS4u ). Are you interested in walking workouts? Try Laurette Willis’s Power Promises Walking Workout! Get your free kit at http://ChristianFitnessKit.com.


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