Jesus Still Walks and Talks with His Disciples

June 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness

By Laurette Willis –

During His three-year ministry on the earth, Jesus taught people in many places: in the temple, in synagogues, on hillsides, in the treasury and even from a boat.

But when He taught His disciples He did it a bit differently. Sometimes He sat with them quietly in someone’s home or an Upper Room—but I believe one place He taught them most frequently was as they walked.

Many of us are familiar with the historical account of the risen Lord Jesus speaking with two of His followers on the Road to Emmaus. “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27, NKJV).

As they walked along, He spoke with them. He taught them and He revealed truths about Himself “in all the Scriptures.”

When we purpose to walk with the Lord (both figuratively and literally), He walks with us and reveals Himself and His ways to us.

And He Walks with Me, and He Talks with Me…

Remember the chorus to that lovely old song? Roberta, a dear friend of mine, walks briskly throughout her neighborhood every morning before going to work.

During lunch together last week she told me, “Whenever I have a problem or something I’m wanting clarification on, I’ll take a walk–and I suddenly get the answer!” she said. “I think there’s some connection between walking and communing with the Lord.” I agree.

Physically Speaking: When walking, whether outdoors in your neighborhood, on a track or in mall; or indoors marching in place, or walking on a treadmill, elliptical, air-stepper or rebounder, you entire body is involved in the activity.

Walking is especially good for your brain, because it increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain. As you walk, you effectively oxygenate your brain. Maybe this is why walking can “clear your head” and helps you to think better.

When the cognitive abilities of older women were compared, those who walked regularly were less likely to experience age-related memory loss and other declines in mental function. That’s good news!

Spiritually Speaking: When you are walking, you are able to pull yourself away from the news and cares of the day (unless you’re doing your walking in front of the 6 o’clock news on TV!). You can focus more easily on the Lord. Many people Prayer Walk around their neighborhoods–praying “on site with insight” for their community. Often the Lord will have them pray specific prayers for the people in various households.

Other “Purpose-Driven” walking involves taking a passage of Scripture and meditating on it during your walk. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and give you revelation on passages of Scripture, just as Jesus did with His disciples.

Another simple strategy is to pray for your family as you briskly walk away from your home for 10-15 minutes, and then praise, rejoice and thank the Lord for answered prayer on your way back!

My favorite walking is a walking workout–walking to motivating music while speaking the Power Promises of God.

Whichever you choose, the Lord still walks and talks with His disciples when we walk and talk with Him.

What’s your favorite way to walk with the Lord?

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry (, and on Facebook ). Are you interested in walking workouts? Try Laurette Willis’s Power Promises Walking Workout! Get your free kit at


Indoor Games and Fitness Fun for Children

By Laurette Willis –

Looking for ways to keep your children occupied indoors?

Try not to fall into the TV/Computer-as-Babysitter trap. The TV may seem to keep them occupied, but feeding on those images will not spark their imagination or creativity. If you need to have noise in the home, turn on Christian radio or play CDs instead. Remember what the Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV). If we allow the TV to train up our children, there’s going to be trouble!

Provide Alternatives to TV and Computer

Here are some ideas for hours of fun to spark children’s creativity and preserve your sanity!

1. Campout!

Make a tent out of sheets and blankets. Nothing like a sheet fort to spark the imagination! Drape sheets over sofas, chairs or the kitchen table.

If using an old sheet, you or the children can cut holes for windows and doors. Then let loose, get in the tent and tell some stories! It will bring back some happy memories and your children may remember the fun they had with you for a lifetime.

2. Captain Midnight

Players: 4 or more

How to Play: Choose someone to be Captain Midnight. Everyone else then yells, “Captain Midnight, what time is it?” The Captain responds by yelling any number from one to twelve.

Each player walks that many steps toward the Captain. If they can touch him, then they are the new Captain. However, keep your ears open because at any time the Captain can shout out, “Midnight,” which means you have to run away from the Captain. If the Captain catches you, you become his assistant, helping him to catch other players.

3. Walk Like a Crab.

Set up a finish line at the other end of the room with pillows or tape. Get on your hands and feet like a crab (with your stomach facing the ceiling) and see how long it takes you to crawl to the finish line.

4. Balloon-a-Thon!

The object of the game is to hit the balloon and not to let it touch the ground. Each round you can choose a different body part as the part you use to bounce the balloon.

For example, bounce it with your nose, bounce it with your foot or bounce it with your belly. If you are playing alone, see how many times in a row you can hit the balloon before it touches the ground.

If you are playing with a group, no one person can bounce it two times in a row.

5. Exercise Stations

Choose exercises with an element of fun such as seeing how long you can balance a book on your head, dancing, lifting soup cans as weights, hopping or marching in place. Challenge the kids to see how many exercises they can complete in a set amount of time. The child completing the most of each exercise is the winner. Get creative and have ribbons for participants.

No matter what your age, go make some memories with your children and grandchildren. They’ll forget the TV show and video game, but they’ll never forget the fun they had with you!

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry ( and on Facebook Laurette just launched her new indoor/outdoor walking program:

A Fitness Formula for Prayer

By Laurette Willis –

“Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:24, NKJV).

We’re over a month into 2011. Two of our most popular resolutions are losing weight and developing our relationship with God.

Why not do both at the same time? Combining faith and fitness is powerful! Pray while on the treadmill, elliptical, or while taking a brisk walk. Prayer is talking to God. It also involves listening to Him. Like any good conversation, there is the give and take of two-way communication.

For some reason most of us tend to think prayer is a one-way street. We talk (or whine) to God about our problems, then spend the rest of the day worrying and trying to figure out solutions ourselves. Then we gripe when it seems God isn’t answering our prayers. Could He even get a word in edgewise?

Here’s a formula that helps us remember the steps to effective prayer. “CARAT” is an acronym (“carat” is the unit of weight for precious stones—and prayer is precious!). You can follow this simple formula while working out—the acronym will help keep you on track.

CARAT (Confess, Adore, Request, Attend, Thanks)

Confess: Wipe the slate clean. Ask the Lord to forgive you for any sins that come to mind. 1 John 1:9 says when we confess our sins to Him; he forgives us and washes us clean.

Adore—Praise Him with your whole heart and voice. What if you don’t feel like it? That’s why it’s called a “sacrifice” of praise! Your flesh would rather go back to bed, but you’re not going to be led by your flesh anymore, right?

To give you an idea, read aloud a few of David’s Psalms of praise: Psalm 34, 95, 96, 98, 100, 103, 121, 148, or 150. Then use your own words as well to tell your Heavenly Father how much you love Him.

Request—Ask God to meet your needs and the needs of others. Speak God’s Word and promises over leaders of our nation, church, workplace. Pray for friends, family and yourself.

Attend: The King James Version of Proverbs 4:20 says, “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.” When we attend to God we pay attention to His words in scripture and wait upon Him to receive further revelation and guidance. Listen for His “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). The Holy Spirit or your own spirit may quicken a scripture to your remembrance for you to meditate upon.

Thanksgiving: “How do I know that God will answer my prayers?” If you are praying according to God’s will (His Word in the Bible) He hears and will answer your prayer. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” (1 John 5:15, NKJV). You have it! So thank Him!

Rejoice! And since you’re combining faith and fitness, dance in advance—even before you see the outward manifestation of your prayer. Keep your focus on the unseen spiritual truths instead of the physical circumstances. Answers to prayer are birthed in the realm of the spirit before they manifest in the physical. That’s why faith is called “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Thank your heavenly Father for answered prayer. You can even get excited about it (and burn more calories)!

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry ( and on Facebook ). Get your free kit at

Fit to Win in 2011

By Laurette Willis –

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJ).

Will 2011 be a new beginning for you? Have you had fitness failures as I have? Do you wonder if the changes you’ve wanted to make will ever happen?

Someone once told me, “A leopard never changes its spots.” Did you know that’s from Jeremiah 13:23? Before I came to Christ, I had many “spots” and stains caused by a life of sin. True, a leopard cannot change its spots just as I could not cleanse myself from sin. Neither can you. But there is One who can! The blood Jesus shed for you on Calvary paid the price to eradicate every sin and stain.

Our ongoing relationship with Him will also change us from one encounter with His glory to another so we can see hard-to-conquer habits eradicated, too!

Will you submit your life and all of this new year to Him right now?  It’s that simple. Allow Jesus to give you a fresh start this year!

Let’s look at some ways you can focus on how things can be different in 2011 for you.

In the area of physical fitness and health, fill in the blanks (Example: “I want to enjoy daily exercise and eating in moderation so I can maintain a healthy weight for me.”)

I want to: __________________________________________________________________________

So I can: ___________________________________________________________________________

The Lord’s Spot Remover

Consider the Scripture from Jeremiah 13:23 (NKJ). “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.”

Wait a second! We cannot change our skin just as a leopard cannot change its spots. So why is this followed with the admonition to do good?

I’m reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 7:24 (NKJ), “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?”

The answer is found in the next verse. “I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” It is a matter of faith (firm reliance on God) AND works (doing what seems right as I follow the Lord).

Take a look at what you wrote in the spaces above. Right now, ask the Lord to tell you something you can do to help you achieve that. You may be surprised at how simple it may be. The Lord usually leads us in steps, not leaps. Start today or tomorrow to do that one thing.

God Will Change Your “Want To”

Commit this new step to the Lord. “Lord, I’m offering this up to You. I trust You to help me.” Sometimes just taking a step in the right direction with your faith firmly planted in God’s ability to make up the difference is all it takes. Follow through with action every day. In time, you will find yourself actually wanting to make the healthful choice.

You will realize that God has changed your “want to” and you will see your goals are being reached one day at a time. He is faithful—and you are loved!

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry ( and on Facebook ). Get your free kit at . © 2010

Eat-Smart Tips for the Holidays

By Laurette Willis –

“When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you; And put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food” (Proverbs 23:1-3 NKJV).

What can one little holiday dinner do? A lot. The average woman who eats 2,000 calories on a normal day may find herself indulging in 4,500 calories and over 200 grams of fat—at one huge meal! According to The New England Journal of Medicine, many Americans gain as much as five pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Often that extra weight is likely to stay with us longer than it took to put it on.

Some nutritionists suggest starting around the beginning of December by cutting 100-300 calories per day so you can splurge a bit during the holidays and still fit into your clothes on January 1st! It can be as simple as not adding the extra cheese on a sandwich, or forgoing the afternoon coffee drink. Have an apple instead.

Seven Quick Eat-Smart Tips:

1.      Decide you will not sample foods when cooking or wandering through the kitchen.

2.      Don’t cook on an empty stomach. Instead, enjoy a good breakfast first to stave off hunger.

3.      Take your vitamins with a big glass of water after breakfast. Taking your supplements early in the day ensures your body is getting the nutrition it needs. Your body will be less apt to crave empty calories, and you’ll have more energy, too.

4.      Have water or seltzer water with flavored stevia handy as you start cooking. I like adding a few drops of vanilla flavored stevia sweetener to a glass of seltzer water. It tastes just like cream soda, but without the sugar, calories or chemicals.

5.      During the day, pop some gum, a breath-freshener strip or brush your teeth to keep from snacking. One study showed that about 10% of the extra calories from holiday meals are consumed before the actual meal itself.

6.      Peppermint oil helps curb your appetite. A recent study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush at the Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia evaluated hunger levels and food intake of participants who inhaled peppermint oil and those who did not over a two-week period. Those who inhaled the peppermint oil consumed an average of 3,000 fewer calories per week (approximately 23% less than those who did not inhale the peppermint oil!). Those who used the oil indicated that their hunger levels were significantly lower, too. You can get peppermint oil at most health food stores (and toothpaste can work in a pinch).

7.      At parties, go for the brightly colored vegetable and salmon appetizers and steer clear from dips, creamy sauces and anything light brown (usually means it’s fried).

It’s best not to announce to everyone what you’re doing if you want to “eat smart” during the Christmas and New Year’s festivities. It only makes them uncomfortable, and they may try to force you to eat something you know you’d be smart not to eat. This doesn’t mean don’t enjoy some of the special foods you only see once a year. Just be smart about it. It’s said the first bite is usually the best, so choose carefully—and hopefully we won’t need to put the butter knife to our throat in Proverbs 23 fashion!

Christian Fitness Expert Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry ( and on Facebook ). Get your free kit at