Lose Weight by Getting to the Emotional Roots of Your Overeating
May 9, 2019 by Julie Morris
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Julie Morris, RN –
The last day of the year. Can you believe it? Last year at this time, many of you made a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. Did you make any progress or did you lose a few unwanted pounds, only to gain them back later? Don’t be discouraged. Help is on the way!
As you resolve to lose weight in 2011, determine to get to the emotional roots of your overeating so that this year you can lose weight and keep it off!
Let’s look at each of these “Pound-Producers” and see how we can replace them with “Thinning Thoughts.”
1. Resentments are fattening. You thought it was the french fries and cookies that put on your extra pounds. The culprits were more likely the hurts and irritations you stuffed down. If you head toward the refrigerator every time you’re angry, you know I’m right. Resentments make us fat. We eat to soothe our pain. Whether from an inconsiderate mate or an overbearing boss, grudges cause bulges!
So what can we do about it? Don’t stuff your anger; get rid of it with the Anger Buster. Spend a few minutes journaling through the list below. After you’re finished, burn what you’ve written and praise God that your anger is going up in the smoke. Then, each time you get angry, write and burn another Anger Buster.
Anger Buster
- Write about why you’re angry. Get all your feelings on paper where you can deal with them. Let the hurts flow without worrying about how it sounds.
- Write a brief prayer that God will help you to see your part in the problem and give you willingness to forgive the other person.
- Now write about the circumstances from the other person’s perspective. Write how you contribute to the problem and ways you do things that are similar to the ones you’re criticizing in the other person.
- Write a prayer that God will bless the other person (list specific ways) and show you how to have a better relationship.
- List things you can do to improve your part in the relationship.
2. Pouting puts pounds on. Many of you are facing challenging circumstances and are overeating to help you cope. In 1 Peter 5:7 God tells you to cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. So cast your cares on the Lord, not the refrigerator! Don’t continue to say, “Why me?” Instead ask God, “What would you have me learn?” Then give thanks because He loves you and will help you.
3. Worrying widens hips. I discovered the antidote to anxiety many years ago when the doctor found a suspicious mass on my mammogram. The night before my appointment with a surgeon, I was such nervous wreck that I couldn’t sleep. I turned on the TV and a choir happened to be singing a soft melody… “We exalt thee. We exalt thee. We exalt thee, O Lord.” Over and over they sang those words. My mind joined in their singing and soon my panic subsided. A blanket of peace covered me and I fell asleep. Several times during that night I woke up gripped by fear, but each time as I focused on those words of praise, peace flooded my mind. The next day, I was relieved to hear that I didn’t have cancer, but I never forgot the valuable lesson I learned that night: It is impossible to worry and worship at the same time. Praise erases panic.
I pray that after reading my words you will get to the emotional roots of your eating so you can lose your weight for good in 2011.
Julie Morris—founder of the Guided By Him Christian weight-loss program (www.guidedbyhim.com), author of 12 books and inspiring motivational speaker—is offering a “mini-retreat” January 22, 2010 in Birmingham, AL for those who want to lose weight. Email her for questions or registration Julie@guidedbyhim.com.
A Christmas Prayer
April 29, 2019 by Julie Morris
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Julie Morris –
O Lord, thank You for Christmas. Help me to prepare so that this year I can celebrate Your son’s birth in a more meaningful way. Help me to examine mistakes I’ve made in past Christmases so that I won’t be caught up in an unhealthy tidal wave of Christmas confusion this year.
So often, I have gotten my priorities backwards during Christmas: I’ve been so busy buying presents for everyone else that I have ignored the One whose birthday I was celebrating. I have spent money I didn’t have to buy gifts that no one needs. I have continued meaningless traditions that include over-spending and over-eating, while cutting down on Bible study and prayer.
When I think about the reason for the season, these things just don’t make sense. But that’s one of the problems. As Christmas confusion snowballs into Christmas chaos, I don’t think clearly! I celebrate Christmas as I always have, even if the results are the same: exhaustion, debt, extra pounds and a sense of emptiness after it’s over.
Father, help me to put You first and give You what You want this Christmas. When I think about what parents want from their children, I know the three things You want most: You want my love—not empty words of love; You want me to prove my love by spending time with You, allowing You to guide me and encourage me. You want my appreciation for all of the things You have done for me—especially the sacrifice You made when You sent Your son as my redeemer 2,000 years ago. And You want me to share Your love with others.
Lord, there’s no way I can change the way I celebrate Christmas without Your help and a determined effort on my part. So right now I ask You to help me and I commit to do these things every day between now and Christmas:
- I will spend 15 minutes every morning celebrating the real reason for the season. During that time, I’ll journal my prayers and sing praises to You while basking in the light of my Christmas tree.
- I will pray daily to find people who need my help. Whether it’s money, encouraging words or extra time, I will share with them cheerfully–out of love for You.
- I will spend my time, money and calories well during the holidays. I will not do everything that I’ve always done—and expect different results. I will turn down some party invitations, shopping trips and Christmas traditions so I won’t become exhausted, bust my budget or add extra pounds.
- I will prepare for each Christmas party I decide to attend. I won’t go famished; I’ll focus on fellowship more than food; and when I eat, I’ll make the healthiest choices I can. And I won’t go back for seconds or load my plate down to overflowing.
- I’ll make exercise a priority. I’ll go for a brisk walk or run by the gym almost every day.
- I won’t tempt myself or those around me by baking a lot of “goodies.” I will think about how miserable I always feel when I’ve overeaten, and put a stop to it before it starts.
- I will meet with a prayer partner each week. I’ll tell her how I’m doing with these goals and pray with her, asking for the desire and ability to make these positive changes. If I get off track, I will confess it, recommit to my goal, and praise You for Your unconditional love for me.
Thank You for the priceless gift You gave at Christmas! Help me, Lord, to enjoy You this Christmas and to please You in all I do as I celebrate.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Julie Morris (julie@guidedbyhim.com) is the author of 12 books, a dynamic motivational speaker and founder of two Christian weight-loss programs: Step Forward (www.stepforwarddiet.com) and a lighter and easier version of Step Forward–Guided By Him (www.guidedbyhim.com).
Are You a Wet Blanket on the Spirit?
April 24, 2019 by Julie Morris
Filed under Christian Life, Health and Fitness
By Julie Morris –
As Thanksgiving approaches this year, let’s look at what the Bible says about giving thanks. God commands us to give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and in the next verse He warns us what will happen if we don’t—He says, “Don’t put out the Spirit’s fire” (1 Thessalonians 5:19 NIV).
What He’s saying is that we will be a wet blanket on the Holy Spirit’s work within us if we don’t give thanks—and our spiritual, physical and emotional health will suffer. But this isn’t the once-a-year type of thanks. It’s daily thanksgiving.
Let’s look at the awesome things that the Holy Spirit does in us and what may happen if we’re a wet-blanket on the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit produces the delicious fruit of the Spirit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and (last but not least!) self-control (Ephesians 5:21-23 NIV). If we put a wet blanket on the Spirit by not giving thanks, we might find ourselves producing rotten fruit. As you read the list below, place a check next to any rotten fruit that you’re producing:
- Hatefulness instead of love
- Depression instead of joy
- Fear instead of peace
- Impatience instead of patience
- Rudeness instead of kindness
- Meanness instead of goodness
- Inconsistency instead of faithfulness
- Gruffness instead of gentleness
- Undisciplined lifestyles instead of self-control
As if rotten fruit weren’t enough, if we don’t give thanks, we’ll also be a wet blanket on our spiritual gifts. That means that we either won’t have these gifts or we’ll use them wrong. Here are some examples:
- Teachers will be impatient.
- Leaders will dictate.
- Givers will throw money away indiscriminately.
- Mercy-givers will try to “fix” people.
- Evangelists will cram truth down the throats of unbelievers.
- Helpers will get mad if people don’t appreciate them.
If we don’t give thanks, we’ll be a wet blanket on other things that the Holy Spirit does in us. Here are here are just a few examples:
- · The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26 NIV).
- · The Holy Spirit gives us power. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NIV).
- The Holy Spirit fills us with hope. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NIV).
This Thanksgiving, make a life-changing decision to give thanks every day… in everything—no matter how challenging your circumstances— so that you won’t be a wet blanket on the Spirit at work in you.
Julie Morris (Julie@guidedbyhim.com) is the author of 12 books, a dynamic speaker and founder of two Christian weight-loss programs—Step Forward (www.stepforwarddiet.com) and a lighter and easier version of Step Forward—Guided By Him to a Thinner, Not So Stressed-Out You! (www.guidedbyhim.com).