Trying and Trying Some More
May 20, 2019 by Carin LeRoy
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Carin LeRoy –
Jason was the cutest little guy you ever saw, but he had a real problem in my kindergarten class. He just couldn’t sit still. I’d tell him to get to work, but before long, he’d be squirming out of his seat or disrupting a classmate. I remember his adorable smile as he came in the room each day and said, “Mrs. LeRoy, I love you!” His wiggly nature was not only a problem, but his learning was also hindered by an inability to focus. Nevertheless, he stole my heart that year.
On some days his behavior would become so challenging that I sent him to the principal’s office so the rest of the class could finish their work. As he walked down the hall, I’d hear him plead, “Mrs. LeRoy, I’ll be good. I’ll be good.” But the problem was that Jason couldn’t sit still, as hard as he tried. As much as he wanted to be good, his squirmy make up just wouldn’t let him.
That reminds me of my relationship with God. As hard as I try, I still sin. I’m always messing up. I try to obey God and do the right thing, but my old habits always seem to rear their ugly head. I am reminded of what Paul says: “… I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing,” (Romans 7: 18, 19 NIV). The struggle of sin is ever-present in our lives. We are just like little Jason, trying hard but failing.
Thank goodness for a God who sent His son to earth so that His power can set us free from the law of sin. Just as Jason stole my heart, we captured God’s. He loved us enough to send His son and free us from our bondage to sin. By putting our faith in Him, we now have His power and spirit to help us—giving us power to change and to break free from the habits of sin. I’m glad I serve a great God! Aren’t you?
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the Son You sent who gives me the power to break free me from habits of sin.
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering” (Romans 8: 1-3 NIV).
Today’s devotional is by Carin LeRoy, wife to Dale and mother of three grown children and one almost-grown teenager. She has been a missionary with Pioneers since 1982. Her passions are family, missions, piano, and writing to challenge others to live faithful lives for God.
Impossible? Depends Who You Ask
May 19, 2019 by Rosemary Flaaten
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
Rosemary Flaaten –
Have you ever felt like God was calling you to do the impossible? You believe He created you and that He knows you more intimately than you know yourself, but you just can’t help but wonder if somehow He got you mixed up with someone else. The job before you is far beyond your natural capabilities, outside your comfort zone or just plain impossible. Why would God ask you to do something that is seemingly unattainable?
I wonder how many people down through history have asked this same question. Did William Wilberforce ever feel that challenging the established slave trade was too daunting? Did Mother Teresa ever feel overwhelmed by the needs surrounding her? The young maiden virgin, given the responsibility to bear the Saviour, asked “But how can this be?” (Luke 1:34). Great callings always seem out of reach.
What has God brought into your line of vision, prompting you to pursue? Is it a new position at work? Is it to take the ministry He has given you to a wider audience? Is it to uproot your family, starting again in a new community with new friends and neighbours? Is it to be still and do less?
The apostle Paul revelled in his inadequacies by claiming that God’s grace is sufficient and that God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). The second part to this verse gives us a peek into how this happens. “Christ’s power may rest upon me.” This is a similar statement to the angel’s promise to the Virgin Mary: “The power of the Highest [will] hover over you” (Luke 1:35 MSG).
The only way we will accomplish the purpose which God has put on our lives is to have His Spirit “move in on [our] weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9 MSG). Having the Spirit hover over us will empower us, emblazon us and propel us.
Rather than focusing on the impossibilities that lie before us, let’s keep God as our focal point, trusting that He not only calls but equips. Just as Peter walked on the water, may we seize the opportunities that God brings, trusting that His Spirit is resting upon us. Then we can say with conviction: With God all things are possible.
PRAYER: Spirit of the Living God may You rest upon me, filling me with courage, strength and an unwavering conviction to follow You wherever You lead.
“For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37 NLT).
Today’s Devotional is by Rosemary Flaaten. Her successful book, A Woman and Her Relationships helps women process their outside-of-work relationships, so now she’s delving into these 9-5 relationships in A Woman and Her Workplace. Her Relationships book won The Word Guild Award, which is Canada’s top Christian literary honor. A dynamic speaker—Rosemary challenges women of all professions to view their work as a calling and their workplaces as opportunities to live out Christ’s love. Rosemary lives with her husband and three children in Calgary, Canada.
Family Portfolio
May 18, 2019 by Art Fulks
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Art Fulks –
For most of us, the arrival of a new year causes us to do some life evaluation, including in our finances. Documents flood our mailboxes so we can complete the dreaded task of tax preparation. Most of us will wonder at some point where our resources have gone. In Alan Gotthardt’s book, The Eternity Portfolio, I have been reading about the legacy we will leave for our family both financially and otherwise.
Our family portfolio does involve our finances, but it also includes so much more. It is about investing in godly living and giving. We invest through sacrifice, preparation, personal example, and intentional training. We invest time and resources; model compassion and holiness; and take those we influence along for the journey with us. And just like a relay race, the hand-off of the baton is critical. It must be practiced repeatedly with everyone involved, or the race could be lost.
This week, I read about the generational blessings passed along by parents who revere God, persistantly follow His principles, and are consistently practicing generosity. So why is our portfolio not as productive or profitable as we desire? The answer is found in the lyrics of an old song: “I want it all…and I want it now.”
There is so much more to be invested in our family portfolio.
PRAYER: Dear God, help my vision for this day to transcend my personal and immediate desires to focus on the lasting legacy that You could lay out for my life as I invest in a lasting family portfolio today…for the sake of Your Kingdom and the glory of Christ.
“His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed” (Psalm 112:2 NASB).
Today’s devotional is by Art Fulks, a church planter / pastor at Connection Fellowship in Greenville, South Carolina. Married for 22 years and father of four, Art is a graduate of The Ohio State Univeristy and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a passionate Bible teacher, speaker, musician, worship leader, and life coach. Read more at http://www.connectionfellowship.orgor , a refreshing oasis in our journey today.
The Fizz Stopper
May 17, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
By Cheri Cowell –
Recently, I finally decided to tackle the cleaning of the dreaded “kitchen junk drawer.” Most of us have one of these drawers somewhere in our home. It’s the place where all sorts of odds and ends accumulate—the things that don’t belong anywhere else. Well, my drawer had gotten to the point I could no longer fit anything in and still close it. So, I was forced to tackle the job. To my surprise, I found amazing things in that drawer. One such find was a fizz stopper—the gadget that seals a soda bottle after it’s been opened so you don’t lose the carbonation. God sent us a personal fizz stopper.
When Jesus becomes a part of our lives, His Holy Spirit becomes the seal on our soul. He locks in the joy, peace, and contentment that come with His presence. His seal also keeps the air, or Satan, from contaminating our spirit, turning us flat and useless. Often, however, we forget to put the stopper back in after pouring ourselves out for others all week long. When we notice our fizz going flat, that is a sure signal we need time with Jesus who will refill us and seal us once again.
PRAYER: Thank You for sealing me at the moment I invited Jesus to be my Lord. Praise You for sending the Holy Spirit to re-invigorate me when I’ve gone flat and resealing me to His service.
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30 NIV).
Today’s devotion is by Cheri Cowell, who writes and speaks on topics of Christian discipleship. In addition to her books and articles, you can learn about her speaking ministry and sign up to receive her daily devotional at
Losing ME
May 17, 2019 by Jarrod Spencer
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
By Jarrod Spencer –
We live in a world full of “ME.” Under someone’s facebook links was a cartoon that was supposed to say “America” at the top. All the letters were on the bottom of the cartoon except for M & E. My thought is that America is becoming more and more like that. ME is the most important person in the country. One of the issues with that is there are millions of MEs. With losing a few pounds a common New Year’s goal, why not try to lose a different kind of weight, the ME weight?
Losing excess pounds will help make your life healthier. Losing excess ME pounds will make your life healthier, too. If ME is weighing you down, causing you to be less healthy, you are probably being prevented from doing some really amazing things!
As a way of shedding the ME pounds, think about these suggestions to having a healthier life.
One: Examine what areas are preventing you from accomplishing your goals. Make a list of these obstacles. Look at what ME areas are the biggest obstacles and seek a way to lose them.
Two: Refrain from “I can’t.” When you are thinking about accomplishing a goal do you tend to look at the negatives so much that you say “I can’t”? That phrase has the potential to keep you from great things. This may be one of the weights you must remove in order to have a healthier future.
Three: Take a step. Think about stepping forward to start accomplishing your goals. Losing the ME will help you be on the path of accomplishment. Is there something that you could use your talents in, but aren’t sure how? Take a step and see how God uses the opportunity. Have you wanted to meet that neighbor that you frequently drive by? Take a step and go out the door to shake hands and simply say, “Welcome to the neighborhood!”
Your ME may be preventing you from seeing what you can do with life. Shedding the ME weight may not be an easy process, but what weight loss ever is?
PRAYER: Father, help me to remove myself from Your plans for me. Help me to be submissive and attentive to what You would seek me to be involved in, who to be involved with, and how to be the most useful servant in Your Kingdom.
“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth” (Matthew 19:21-22 NIV).
Today’s devotional is by Jarrod Spencer. He is a seeker of God’s surprises in everyday life, looking for ways to be used by God with anyone he comes in contact with. He has a passion for encouraging people through the written word and exercises that passion with blogging and sending out a weekly text of encouragement. You can read more of his writings at and his church’s website is