Comics: Tastes Like Chicken
Pushing It Too Far
By Ronnie Wyatt
A duck walks into a restaurant and says, "Got any duck food?" The waiter looks down and says, "No. This is a restaurant. We don’t have any duck food." The duck walks out.
The next day the same duck walks into the restaurant. He asks, "Got any duck food?" The waiter looks down and says, "Hey buddy, are you nuts? I told you yesterday this is a restaurant, we serve people food. We do not have any duck food. Now scram!" The duck leaves.
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Comics: Tastes Like Chicken
Flying Blind
By Ronnie Wyatt
One day at a busy airport, the passengers on a commercial airliner were seated waiting for the pilot to show up so they could get under way to their destination. After a long wait, the pilot and co-pilot finally appeared in the rear of the plane. To the passengers’ surprise, they begin walking up to the cockpit through the center aisle bumping into passengers right and left. The Pilot was using a white can while the co-pilot held tightly to a guide dog. Both had their eyes covered with sunglasses.
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The Day After Christmas
By Ronnie Wyatt
Some years ago, I heard that a young girl named Suzy stood before her Aunts and Uncles. With big grins they asked that often asked question which is heard the day after Christmas. “Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas?”
Suzy smiled and said, “Nope.”
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