Where Do Those Angels Come From?

December 15, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith Articles

By Janet Perez Eckles

Crazy, isn’t it? When life goes undisturbed, we stroll through the garden of prosperity and bask in the sunshine of success. Our feet sink in the green grass of hope while inhaling the sweet scent of anticipation for more good things to come.

But suddenly, a loud clap of thunder halts our steps. And a storm of adversity shakes our world. We wonder what happened. What went wrong? Where had we failed? How did we allow the rain of misfortune to pour on us?

But in the midst of our bewilderment, something totally strange, bizarre, actually, happens—an angel appears. Unannounced, often unseen, but definitely felt, angels show up in mighty and sometimes simple ways.

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Trading Places

December 3, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith Articles

By Susan Dollyhigh

The call came from New Hanover Hospital’s emergency room after the crisis with my three-year-old granddaughter had passed. “Mom, Katelyn’s okay, but we just spent four hours in the ER with her,” I heard my daughter, Emily, say on the other end of the phone line.

Even as relief flooded my mind with the words, “Katelyn’s okay,” panic rushed right in behind it as the second part of the sentence, “four hours in the ER” seeped in.

“It was just awful, Mom. We were at a self check-out at the grocery store. I was scanning our groceries and Katelyn was sitting in the cart with her baby doll. Turning my back to her for just a second, she attempted to climb out of the cart and fell face first to the floor,” Emily said.

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Puttin’ on the Blinders: How to Keep Our Focus on Christ

November 21, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith Articles

By Dianne E. Butts    

In the mountain town where I used to live, big Belgium work horses wore head gear with blinders—big black wings cupping the horse’s eyes. I thought blinders were cruel, but a friend who knows horses, said, “Blinders are useful tools. Horses have limited side vision. Sudden movements can frighten them, causing them to bolt. Plus, blinders help horses focus down the road on their destination.”

What if we had spiritual blinders that would block out what might cause us to shy away from living for Christ while keeping us focused on our destination in Him?

Shying at Shadows

A rustle in a bush or a sudden movement can startle a horse causing it to shy.

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

November 7, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith Articles

By Brenda W. McIntyre    

Do you remember the children’s rhyme ‘rain, rain, go away, come again another day?’ I’ll bet I uttered that rhyme under my breath at least a hundred times lately as the rain drenched the area where I live. Georgia experienced heavy downpours and flash flooding for several days straight. Governor Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency in seventeen counties. Four of those counties were federally declared as disaster areas.

Although the more saturated areas were to the north and northeast of my home, Middle Georgia received an excessive amount of rain. The Ocmulgee River threatened to spill over its banks. Gray clouds covered the sky day after day, blocking the sun. I was surprised one afternoon to see a tiny portion of blue sky surrounded by angry gray thunder clouds. As the wind blew, the clouds swirled about. I was sure they would block out the small patch of blue the color of an inviting swimming pool. For as long as I watched, the patch of blue remained – a testament that the storm would eventually pass and the sun would shine again.

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What Does a Quarter Buy?

October 27, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith Articles

By Susan Dollyhigh  

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

 What can you buy with a quarter?  Not even a pack of gum today, but in 1963 a quarter would buy my lunch at school.  With this bit of trivia I’m telling my age but it’s worth it to tell the rest of the story.

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