Glory Hogs

February 6, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

John T. McNeal –

There seems to be one in every crowd, and if there is more than one it turns into a competition. I am talking about Glory Hogs. No, I’m not talking about a motocross website or even a punk rock band out of California. I’m talking about that one person who tries to make their story more impressive – either better or worse – than the next person’s. According to, a good definition of glory hog is “When one uses a story/saying/information/anecdote that they received or overheard from another individual they know and they do not cite the source. In turn, implying that they themselves are the original source of information.”

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Spring: A New Beginning

January 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By John T. McNeal –

Spring is a just a stone’s throw away; only a brief moment in time separates the long, harsh, wet winter from the sweet smell of fresh flowers, daylight savings time, and Easter dresses. Of course you would never catch me in a dress, though being of Scottish heritage I might consider a military pleated kilt with all the fixings. (But who would want to see my snow white legs?)

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In the Midst of a Storm

January 20, 2019 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By John T. McNeal

Have you ever stood in the midst of a storm? While standing still you can feel the wind blowing to and fro, hear the crashing thunder, and see the blinding flashes of light as it fills the sky. The heaviest of Southern rainfalls can soak a person from head to toe in less than thirty seconds if they stand in the rain unprotected. The most troubling of storms in the South include hail and dark green clouds which can be signs of tornadic activity.
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