How Bad Do You Want It?
December 4, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By JoAnn Fore
The arrival of 2009 caught me in a reflective mode. Turn-of-the-year and birthday celebrations do that for me.
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Finding Love Through Gods Commandment
November 27, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Jennifer D. Kearson
Jesus replied: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all of your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
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Jesus is the Lamb of God
November 19, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By John T. McNeal
A couple of weeks ago, I thought of using my son’s stuffed animal as part of a sermon for the 2nd and 3rd graders. The stuffed animal was a lamb, and it would work perfectly. John 1:29 (NIV) says, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ’Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”’ So I placed it with my Bible Saturday evening before going to bed.
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Right Place Right People
November 14, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Courtney Rogers
My pastor recently spoke about David being known as “A Man After God’s Own Heart”. What a powerful statement that is. A man after God’s own heart. For someone to be given that title was a great honor. I can only imagine what people must have thought of David for him to have that name. David must have been righteous, giving, loving, kind, gracious, and always following what God had in mind for him. The thing is, David was human just like us. And in one instance he really messed up big time. We remember him not only for what he did, but also for how he handled the situation.
Something Stinketh
November 9, 2023 by admin
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Lisa Buffaloe
A strange odor emanated from inside our refrigerator. I knew it was bad when even our teenage son was disgusted. Rolling up my sleeves, I held my breath, then wrestled strange mutations from the vegetable drawer and deposited them in the trash. Bins were wiped and shelves cleaned until they glistened. Taking a step back, I drew in a deep breath of fresh air.