A Season Of Love
January 24, 2025 by Susan Dollyhigh
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Susan Dollyhigh
On the third week of Advent, I arrived at the homeless shelter planning to light the third purple candle that symbolizes love. Planning to talk about God’s love for all His children, even His children who feel they don’t deserve to be loved. Planning to assure the residents that they are lovable – that they are loved by their Father’s children and by their Father.
Climbing the stairs leading to the kitchen, I heard little hands clapping and little cherubic voices chanting, “Yeah, Miss Susie’s here! Yeah, Miss Susie’s here!” Arriving at the kitchen door, the two little cherubs sat at the table, eyes glistening and mouths smiling.
The Perfect Match
January 12, 2025 by Lisa Buffaloe
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Lisa Buffaloe
Anthony Turner had little warning. In 2008, while on vacation with his wife and two young children, an illness struck. Returning home, he sought medical help and was promptly sent by ambulance to the hospital. The prognosis—kidney failure. For reasons unexplained, Anthony’s kidneys were only functioning at three percent.
With no other health issues, and at the age of thirty seven, Anthony was shocked. Without other alternatives, he quit work and began dialysis. Even on a transplant list, his options looked bleak. The wait for a healthy kidney could take five years.
Keeping the Memories
December 29, 2024 by Jennifer Kearson
Filed under Faith Articles
By Jennifer Kearson
It seems many of the holidays are just around the corner. One of the most traditional American holidays is Thanksgiving. There’s nothing like succulent turkey, piping hot rolls, tasty casseroles and grandma’s apple pie. The only problem is, well, grandma is gone to be with the Lord. It seems since her death, I have been noticing more and more people are losing their battle for life. Of course we all want to be with the Lord, but not until it is our time. As we all know there is a season for everything.
Unfortunately, many family members grow up and move far away, so they only get to see each other every so often. If possible, this year I would encourage you to visit relatives for time is very precious. If you can’t meet them during the holidays, find time to call or write. I have found the web cam to be an instant help. Well, at least I can see the person I am talking to. For those of you who can see your relatives, take time to really get to see each other. I remember as a child we would go to grandmas to visit. After we devoured the food, the guys would go and watch the football game and the ladies would chat. I understand your favorite team might be playing, but do find some time to talk since you don’t get to see each other anyway.
Where Do Those Angels Come From?
December 15, 2024 by admin
Filed under Faith Articles
By Janet Perez Eckles
Crazy, isn’t it? When life goes undisturbed, we stroll through the garden of prosperity and bask in the sunshine of success. Our feet sink in the green grass of hope while inhaling the sweet scent of anticipation for more good things to come.
But suddenly, a loud clap of thunder halts our steps. And a storm of adversity shakes our world. We wonder what happened. What went wrong? Where had we failed? How did we allow the rain of misfortune to pour on us?
But in the midst of our bewilderment, something totally strange, bizarre, actually, happens—an angel appears. Unannounced, often unseen, but definitely felt, angels show up in mighty and sometimes simple ways.
Trading Places
December 3, 2024 by Susan Dollyhigh
Filed under Faith Articles
By Susan Dollyhigh
The call came from New Hanover Hospital’s emergency room after the crisis with my three-year-old granddaughter had passed. “Mom, Katelyn’s okay, but we just spent four hours in the ER with her,” I heard my daughter, Emily, say on the other end of the phone line.
Even as relief flooded my mind with the words, “Katelyn’s okay,” panic rushed right in behind it as the second part of the sentence, “four hours in the ER” seeped in.
“It was just awful, Mom. We were at a self check-out at the grocery store. I was scanning our groceries and Katelyn was sitting in the cart with her baby doll. Turning my back to her for just a second, she attempted to climb out of the cart and fell face first to the floor,” Emily said.