No Room For A Snake In The House
March 24, 2025 by Susan Dollyhigh
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Susan Dollyhigh
Who put a rubber snake in here? The ugly, scaly, black thing lying in the hallway was coiled with its head up just a bit. Even so, I kept a good distance as I leaned over to take a closer look. About that time, the rubber snake must have seen me because it slithered off towards the kitchen.
Thankfully, my two-year-old granddaughter, Katelyn, who hadn’t learned to fear anything, didn’t see the snake. If she had, she would have rushed past me and snatched it up. That could have been the end of Nana. To be on the safe side, I grabbed Katelyn and picked her up. She started yelling and kicking for me to put her down. But I held on firmly as we dashed through the den and another hallway. Holding her tightly, I ran through the living room and out the front door. Crossing the front porch and side yard in record time, my feet barely touched the ground. I bound up the steps to my husband, Danny’s office and threw open the door. My abrupt entrance startled Danny.
I screamed. “There’s a snake in the house!” He shrugged. “Well why didn’t you call me?” Because there was a snake between me and the phone.”
“God On The Spot – Part 1”
March 14, 2025 by Dianne Butts
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Dianne E. Butts
Have you ever been put on the spot? Perhaps you made a promise. Then you had to keep it. Maybe you said you would provide, protect, or prove something. Whether you were bluffing or not, someone, or circumstances, called you on it and you were then on the spot to accomplish it.
Have you ever considered that God is on the spot?
He made a plan to redeem us and we are helpless in that plan. He alone is on the spot to carry it out. He declared Himself the one true God and He alone is on the spot to prove it. He made promises and declared prophecies and He must keep and fulfill them.
The Firsts
March 4, 2025 by Nancy Burall
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Nancy Burall
“Just four weeks ago, Nancy.” My cousin Pattie wiped tears away. “He was just diagnosed with cancer four weeks ago. And now Bob’s gone.” We were seated at their dining table. “Tomorrow would have been his sixty-sixth birthday. Monday is my sixtieth birthday. I can’t believe his funeral is today.”
A few weeks later, Pattie shared her heartache in view of the “firsts” she would be facing in the remaining months of the year.
Their anniversary spent alone, one month after Bob’s passing; the pain of a vanished celebration of their love. “The nights are the worst.” She set down her coffee cup. “The empty place where he should be is almost too painful to endure.”
A New Thing
February 17, 2025 by Karen King
Filed under Faith Articles
By Karen King
Isaiah 43:19 KJV- “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
As a new year dawns, traditionally it is a time to make New Year’s resolutions. Some people want to be more organized; others want to lose weight or spend more time at the gym; many Christians want to study their Bible more. It is easy to make a resolution but it is hard to keep it.
The Broken Unicorn
February 4, 2025 by Brenda McIntyre
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles
By Brenda W. McIntyre
Every child has a favorite thing they like, such as action figures or stuffed animals. Growing up, my preferred thing was unicorns. I had several unicorn collectibles on a shelf in my room. One day, for no particular reason, my daddy brought home a small green box with the picture of a unicorn on the front and back. Daddy was not the type to remember birthdays or spend time picking out Christmas presents. This gift wasn’t even wrapped. He simply said, “Here, you can have this.”
I could tell the box was previously opened. Reopening it, I pulled out something carelessly wrapped in tissue paper. Unwrapping the item revealed a three-inch tall unicorn atop an oval base, just as the pictures depicted. Tipping the mythical creature caused the lid on the base to open revealing a place for jewelry or other keepsakes. The only difference between the actual item and the images on the box was a crack down the side of the unicorn I held in my hand. I was filled with disappointment. Why had my daddy given me a broken gift? I wasn’t expecting anything, but receiving something damaged was an insult. I went to my room and cried. When I could shed no more tears, I placed the defective decoration on the shelf with my other unicorns.