Cheese Curls

April 7, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

When I got married, I tried so hard to shop for the groceries my husband enjoys.  But there was one particular item that I didn't get right until twenty years into my marriage.  Russ likes the puffed cheese curls, but I have an aversion for them.  When I was a kid I had the mumps, and that was one food I tried to eat that really made me sick.  So I never ate them again.  And I never bought them for Russ because I felt it was wasteful to purchase something only one of us would enjoy.  Instead I purchased chips we both liked.  Over the years, there have been a few times I have tried the crunchy cheese curls at sandwich shops, and I liked them!  Not Russ—he hated them.  So our dilemma continued.  Now this line of reasoning just doesn't make sense.  I buy coffee for Russ when I don't drink it.  This last week, we were shopping together and noticed that these cheese curls were on sale two for one, and we could each get the kind we enjoy the most.  We feel so spoiled this week to have our own bag of chips!  Now why did this take so long to realize?!

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Opening My Big Mouth

March 25, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

Does your mouth need a leash?  I know mine does.  I'm getting better at watching what I say and speaking only of those things that lift people up.  But there is more to taming my tongue than just saying good things.  It’s also knowing the right time to say them.

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Hot or Lukewarm?

March 14, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

My four-year-old buddy, Ethan, has discovered the joy of chewing gum, and now begs anyone he sees for a piece of gum.  Recently, someone gave him a stick of cinnamon-flavored gum.  Others warned him that it might be too hot for him.  He placed half a stick in his mouth. I n seconds, his eyes watered and he waved his hand in front of his mouth.  All of a sudden he screamed for the gum wrapper and just as if his tongue was on fire, he spit the gum out.  He said he wanted to give it time to "cool down" a bit before chewing it.  I guess he confused spicy hot and warm hot!  His mom was always telling him to blow on his soup if it was too hot, so he figured it would work for spicy hot gum!

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March 3, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

If you were here in person I would ask you to lean in so you could hear my whispered words. I have a confession.

The house is a disaster. I’m sitting in my pajamas and it’s 2:30 in the afternoon. My kids have had an assortment of food that constitutes anything but a healthy, balanced diet today and to top it all off, I ate ice cream for breakfast. Pretty sad look into the life of someone who usually has it reasonably together!
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Funny Feet

February 20, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

I have funny feet. They are short and plump with stubby little toes that curl. In fact, when I married, my husband would tell people how cute he thought my feet were. Cute or not, they are my Dad's feet. He had the same kind of feet, but it was not a problem for him—being a man. I, on the other hand, have always had problems making my feet look lady-like. No matter what I do they look short and stubby.
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