One of my big projects this year was organizing the clutter in our butler pantry/office. I've read a humorous article about clutter, illustrating how our messes tend to run our lives. We think we are mastering clutter, when really we are just making piles of it, or moving it from one place to another. Everyone has a certain amount of clutter, whether it is a junk room, a junk closet, or a junk drawer.
Like 1995?
On a recent trip to Houston, Texas, we traveled by the huge statue of Sam Houston on Interstate 45. My husband and I took the opportunity to explain to our six-year-old about the man depicted in the statue. Bruce explained a brief portion of Texas history and then I concluded with, “He lived a very long time ago,” to which my daughter responded “like 1995?” Ouch!
You Did That On Purpose?
I wear my hair spiked up in the back in a style that sort of looks like bed-head. In fact, a lady once told me, “honey, I wake up looking like that, and I work hard to fix it”. I told her, “Well, don’t work so hard!”
Supermans Cape
When growing up I loved to watch Clark Kent turn into Superman. He was a shy, normal, everyday guy until he put on that cape and the superman clothes. Then he’d step out of the telephone booth as a new man- bold, certain, and… well …Superman! The clothes gave him cover to become someone he could not be otherwise. He was proud and confident when clothed in garments that made him a new person.
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Decisions, Decisions
What should I fix for supper? Where should I shop for new shoes? Who should I ask to help me with that project? When should I take vacation this year? Do any of you wish for a decision-free day? Just one! Then you wouldn't have this conversation: