An Emotional Affair
January 16, 2019 by Robi Ley
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Robi Ley
“We’re just friends. I can talk to him.” Have you ever said that about a man you know, but weren’t married to? If you have, you need to be aware of the inherent danger in such a statement and in such a relationship.
You may be asking yourself “What in the world is she talking about?” I’m talking about having an intimate friendship with someone who isn’t your husband.
What Kind of Worship: Idol, Idle, or Ideal?
By Robi Ley
The first two commandments state very clearly the position God should hold in our lives as Christians. He is to take first place of course. There is to be no other person to whom we give our devotion and loyalty and no thing to which we give our respect and homage. Only God is worthy of worship.
Why is it, then, that work, sports, cars, food, children, spouses, church, mission work and even Bible study take over our time and leave none for the Father? Are we guilty of idol worship, or just idle worship?
Choosing Obedience Over Convenience
“You want me to do what?”
I have to imagine that was Abraham’s gut response when he heard God’s command to take Isaac and sacrifice him. He had prayed for decades for the child. Now God asks him to bind him to an altar and kill him? Really?