Going Viral
March 21, 2025 by Lynn Rebuck
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Lynn Rebuck
“Going viral” can be positive if your yodeling cat’s video has spread like wildfire over the Internet and Ellen has called to invite you to appear on her show.
Parts of the country have been going viral in a less desirable way as H1N1 and other viruses have wound their way through the states this flu season.
When a virus spreads quickly through a community or population, it is called an epidemic. When it spreads around the world, it’s called a pandemic. When it spreads through a family, I call it a “famidemic.”
Scrapping Scrapbooking
January 30, 2025 by Lynn Rebuck
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Lynn Rebuck
I am, to put it kindly, crafting-impaired.
It’s not that I haven’t tried. I have often attempted a new craft, only to discover that I am not well-suited for it.
For instance, I tried Scherenschnitte, the intricate German art of paper-cutting. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I am just not cut out for it.
I bought the special scissors, learned the quick cutting strokes, and cut my heart out (well, I almost did, when one day I quickly tucked my scissors in my bra and forgot about them). In fact, I became a little compulsive about my new hobby.
Glue Gun Control
November 27, 2024 by Lynn Rebuck
Filed under Stories
By Lynn Rebuck
I am not good with a glue gun.
I can shoot a pistol with great accuracy at a paper target, but ask me to glue together paper from Target, and it’s a whole different story.
The glue gun is the weapon of choice for crafters worldwide, and quite frankly, I think we need stricter glue gun laws. This suggestion may upset some of you (especially members of the NGGA, the National Glue Gun Association), but hear me out. I think there needs to be a “cooling off” period before one is allowed to buy a glue gun.
Beck the Halls
April 25, 2020 by Lynn Rebuck
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Lynn Rebuck –
I like Christmas music, but starting in early November it’s omnipresent: it’s in every store, in every elevator, and on every station, including talk radio (I fully expected Glenn to release a “Beck the Halls” Christmas CD).
As I searched the mall for an omnipresent (that’s the one gift that I could purchase in bulk for everyone) recently, I heard blaring from the speaker systems of three different stores an unintended medley of clashing carols: “Silent Rudolph the Red-Nosed Manger.” It was more than my fried-by-“Feliz Navidad” brain could handle.
I sought sanctuary in a nearby synagogue to escape the cacophony of carols. I hummed “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” to soothe and center myself. I don’t mind the holiday music, but it is so pervasive that it is affecting my every thought and intruding into all of my family’s conversations.
The other night I could have sworn that my daughter approached me and told me of her plans to go out with her adolescent friends by saying the phrase “We three teens of orient are….” Maybe I’m just hearing things.
“Do you hear what I hear?” inquired one of my children the night before Christmas.
“Is it the little drummer boy?” I asked.
“No,” he said.
“You know,” I said, “I heard the bells on Christmas Day.”
“That’s nice, Mom.”
“Their old familiar carols play,” I continued, making conversation.
“Mom, you’d better lay off the eggnog.”
“Can I have a friend over?” my son continued, standing next to a kid I hadn’t noticed before.
“What child is this?”
“Which one is he? The Drummer’s little boy?”
“Funny, Mom. He’s the Taylor’s kid.”
“Joy to the world,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
“Is that a yes?”
“What’s that smell?” interrupted another child.
“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,” I mumbled. “Or it could be dinner.”
“Mom, can I go on a date with Paul?” asked my eldest.
“The little drummer boy?”
“He’s a percussionist in a rock band, Mom. And so what if he’s short, I just won’t wear heels.”
“When will you be back?”
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” she said.
I nodded and reached for more nog.
As she walked out the door, she called over her shoulder “You can count on me.”
“Did the box from Amazon arrive?” asked my son.
“Yes, it came upon a midnight clear.”
“I didn’t know UPS delivered that late.”
“’Tis the season, you know.”
You know, the three wise men were the first midnight madness shoppers, and they didn’t have any criss-crossing carols to contend with.
I am now in a 12 Steps of Christmas Recovery Program. Fa-la-la-la-la, la- la-la-Joy!
© 2011 Lynn Rebuck
A Tooth for a Tooth
January 19, 2020 by Lynn Rebuck
Filed under Humor, Stories
By Lynn Rebuck –
Last week I had a wisdom tooth extracted. I am aware that there are many of you out there who have had four wisdom teeth removed at once, or two taken out together, and so you may scoff at my surrender of only a solitary tooth. Let me explain the wisdom of this choice.
The oral surgeon wanted to take out both of my lower wisdom teeth. In dental circles they are known as teeth numbers 17 and 32. As I sat in the chair awaiting the procedure, he entered the room and in a rather cavalier way announced he wanted “number 17 and number 32.” Apparently he thought that he was playing the lottery. He had confused my mouth with the “Pick 6.”
I declined the dual extraction, and my final offer was for him to remove tooth number 17, which had recently broken. Up until that time 17 was my lucky number. Not anymore. Tooth number 17 stubbornly refused to come out. You know a medical procedure is not going well when they call in additional personnel to help (I was wondering how four people would all fit their hands in my mouth). I think he started calling in people from the waiting room. “You, put the magazine down and get in here.”
At one point I heard him say (since I was fully awake and partially numb for the procedure), “Come in here. Take this arm off,” which scared me since I thought he was referring to my arm. I know dental work can cost an arm and a leg, but I thought they’d at least wait until the procedure was over. Luckily he was referring to the arm of the chair. I think he put his foot up on it for leverage when he pulled.
What should have been a quick procedure turned into an extended tugfest. Worse yet, with a mouth full of hands and dental tools, I couldn’t express my opinion about what was going on. And believe me, it was a strong opinion.
When he finally got the tooth out, I was relieved. That was until he said he wasn’t sure if he got all of it. An x-ray showed that he did. After he was done, he announced his decision to not remove tooth number 32. You know it was bad if a guy who removes teeth for a living doesn’t want to remove any more of yours.
After it was over, I was angry and I felt like he owed me something. It was a barbaric procedure, second only to bikini waxing. As I wrote out the check, I eyed the promotional pen I was holding. “I’m taking this pen,” I silently decided. “He took my tooth. In fact, I want the whole container of pens,” I silently reasoned. “I want every pen from the supply closet. I want a fair exchange for what he took from me.” Suddenly the “tooth for a tooth” scripture made a whole lot more sense to me. According to Mosaic law, I think the oral surgeon owes me a tooth. Number 17, to be exact.
Almost a week after the procedure I am left with a giant hole in my mouth where the tooth used to be. It feels like it goes all the way down to my shoulder. The hole is so deep that when I talk there’s an echo. I’m thinking of turning it into a tourist attraction. Who knows, maybe it’ll be one of the seven dental wonders of the world along with the Panama Root Canal, the Hoover Dental Dam and the Golden Gate Dental Bridge.
© 2011 Lynn Rebuck