Failure No More!

November 30, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Liz Cowen Furman –

Every year when the New Year rolls around and everyone is talking about New Year’s resolutions, I have felt compelled to join in. Over the years, I’ve had several. One year I was going to get in shape and lose a bunch of baby weight (my kids are all in their teens or 20s now so this was a day or two ago). I started out great; eating less, running or walking more. However, as the weeks went by and melted into months so did my resolve. Failure.

Another year I was going to stop eating sugar (oh yeah, right.) That only lasted until February with the next eat sugar until you drop holiday. Failure.

Yet another New Year found me determined to get organized. I am a piler; it is the plight of being a teacher I think. Do you know what a piler is? A person who has a pile for this project and a pile for that job is a piler. Mine are usually organized; at least I know where everything is. My husband would beg to differ however. Just as all the other resolutions failed so did this one.

After so many failures, in order to avoid being a failure, I quit making resolutions. Then a couple of years ago, our pastor suggested instead of all those other resolutions, as good as they might be, that we focus on our relationship with the Savior. Get a lined journal, he encouraged. Each morning open your Bible and start reading, looking for a nugget for you that day. Start in the Psalms. When you read something that really speaks to you, copy the verse and cite into your journal and write what you are thinking about or write a prayer asking God to help you get it or apply it or whatever fits.

So I did. An amazing thing happened. My quiet time and time spent in the Bible transformed from something I did mostly out of duty to something I look forward to every day. I can’t wait to crack open the Word and dive in every morning. Verses I’ve read a million times have come alive for me on a whole different level. (Proof that the Bible is a living document, like scripture claims). If I have to miss a day or two, (life happens sometimes); I just pick it back up and go forward. No guilt and no trying to make up the lost days, just going forward. It works! Instead of fulfilling a resolution or goal I grew in my relationship with my best friend Jesus. I guess you could say that instead of being a follower of Jesus I became a friend of His. Big difference.

If you are tired of all those failed resolutions like I was, try this one for 2013. See if you are as encouraged as I. Scripture promises that His Word never comes back void. I’m thinking this might be the only New Year’s Resolution I will ever make.

The Gift

November 6, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Liz Cowen Furman –

My class went until 4:45 and getting back to the dorm in time for the 5 o’clock dinner bell was very important to this college freshman. If we went in right at five we got the best seats and a great show of the handsome young men as they came into the cafeteria for dinner. I cannot believe some of the things we did that year.

One afternoon while racing up the sidewalk to get back to the dorm in time, I looked up at the sound of a very large, very loud bird flying over my head. As I looked back down, he deposited a gift on the top of my head that ran down my forehead and cheeks. I was horrified! When the gals who were waiting for me to go in to dinner realized what had happened they burst into gales of laughter. I had to shower before I could go in so no show for me that day. Can you believe they went in without me?

Many years later, when I had children, we were waiting on the lawn of the Veteran’s Hospital for my Dad to come out. An eagle flew over our heads and dropped what looked like a gallon of the same gift the other bird had bestowed upon me. It reminded me of the present I had received that day back in the dorm. The boys and I laughed out loud, as I shared my story with them. We all agreed that it was a good thing it wasn’t an eagle flying over me that day. We mused over some poor driver buzzing along when blam right on their windshield…blindsided. That could be dangerous.

Isn’t it funny how things that happen to us in our lives years later become a great story? I make wedding cakes and I always tell the bride that I hope something goes wrong. Not a catastrophe or anything really bad, but if nothing out of the ordinary happens all they can say is “We got married.” How boring is that? After making all those wedding cakes, I could tell you some great stories. Candles catching things on fire, little ring bearers refusing to walk down the aisle, inebriated officiates that knock over lit candelabras …little things that at the time seem important and later just crack us up.

I read somewhere that you can tell a lot about a person by how they handle three things…tangled Christmas lights, a long queue at the store or a clerk’s mistake. I would be so bold to add; a bad referee at your child’s game, an attitudinal teenager or unfair treatment. I have failed on many occasions to shine the light of my Jesus into difficult situations but I am learning. I hope that before I go home to glory I can adopt an eternal perspective on current events or at least give it the “Will this matter in five years?” test. So next time those Christmas lights all tangled and put away badly stare you in the face, think of it as an opportunity to shine. Merry Christmas!

Call in the Big Guns!

September 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Liz Cowen Furman –

Did you ever have the feeling you were being watched? Followed? Stalked? The other night all our dogs started barking at once, they were outside doing business. Usually when we let them out at night, in the fall especially (when those bears are eating 20 hours a day in getting ready for a long sleep), we go with them, but somehow they had been left to their own devices. Everyone ran to a different door or window to call them in and we retrieved them safely.

When I stood at the front door to call, I noticed that my car’s inside light was on. So, with the dogs safely in the house I went out to check what was up. As I walked around the (very dark) side of the house, the hair on my arms began to stand up and I felt fearful. The kind of fear that comes from deep inside. I did not see anything or hear anything but I felt a presence, an evil presence.

Immediately, I started praying and saying scripture aloud (the devil cannot stand against the Word of God; look up Proverbs 30:5 and Ephesians 6:17). The passenger door was ajar; I closed it and started for the house, still talking into the darkness. As I rounded the corner, I definitely heard something moving in the weeds just feet from me. I could feel the fear rising again and I spoke into the darkness louder.

I came into the house and locked the doors. Then I just went back to what I was doing. Funny, but usually, when something like that happens I want to know who or what is there. This time however, I just went about my business. I surprised myself with the peace I felt after praying. It has happened to me countless times in my life. Something happens to frighten me and I immediately speak scripture out loud toward the thing that is scaring me, after a few minutes peace washes over me. As if I have a bubble around me, all of the sudden I feel safe.

So next time you are afraid, call in the big guns. Say scripture aloud. Ask for help and expect that you will receive it. He promised many times to never leave or forsake us. That promise I have taken to the spiritual bank many times.

Road Trip!

August 21, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Liz Cowen Furman –

We recently drove our middle son out to California to start college at California Baptist University. (Amazing place!) But before we could leave, l had to drive the eight hours from our motel in Dubois, Wyoming, home to meet up with my hubby and son to start the journey. Then on the return journey I left him in Conifer, Colorado, and drove back to Dubois for the last week of our season and to close the motel for the winter. The total miles traveled in one week and three days was 2,648 through six states. Whew! Good thing I love road trips.

On our journey, I discovered some amazing things…here are the top ten.

10. Sunflower seeds, cinnamon discs and singing loudly work well to ward off drousies while driving.

9. August might not be the best month to travel from Wyoming to California and back. Hotter than Hades.

8. Southern Utah is a beautiful place.

7. Oceans are one of God’s coolest inventions.

6. Israeli Melons! Yum!

5. Rainbows – we were chased all the way across Utah and then again at the beach by the most gorgeous rainbows which we decided were a sign of great things to come for our son. (Wish I could include pictures with this article, they were AMAZING.)

4. While Vegas is touted as a very FUN place I found it to be desperately lost and so sad. Not to mention dirty and unbelievably HOT.

3. 113 degrees + 80 miles per hour = melted tires. Oops.

2. Older motels run by families are a blessing.

And the number one thing I discovered on this most beautiful trip?
Leaving a child at college states away from home is not for wimps… Gasp, sob, smile because I know who has him in the palm of his hand.

We had a great time with Matthew on the way there and are so thankful God has his back.
As He has ours. We can take this promise to the spiritual bank. Check out Joshua 1:5 “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5, NIV)”

Your Undercarriage Will Sparkle

June 28, 2021 by  
Filed under Humor, Stories

By Liz Cowen Furman –

After the tragic events of 9-11, I felt compelled to show my patriotism in some way. It seemed most everybody in the area had the same thought. By the time I got to the store, there wasn’t a single flag remaining. So for the first time in my life, I ventured bravely into cyberspace to search for and buy a magnetic flag to display on our van. I accomplished this feat in record time and when the much-sought-after purchase arrived, I was thrilled. Emblazoned across the magnetic sign was the American flag and underneath were the words “God Bless America.” Perfect.

The first few times I drove around town with the sign on the car, I would look in my rearview mirror to see if the driver behind me noticed my cool magnet. I felt I was making a statement “I believe in this country and the freedom for which it stands!” However, the very first time I took the van through the “touch-free” carwash, I forgot to take my new flag off and it was washed away. UGH!

When I realized my show of patriotism had slipped off, I knew it had to be on the floor of the car wash. So the next morning, Micah, Matthew and I stopped by the car wash after we dropped Martin at choir just as it was starting to snow. As we pulled up a gentleman was about to enter and the door to the bay was slowly lifting.

Seizing the moment, I jumped from the van and dashed toward his window. I politely asked if I could sprint in ahead of him and retrieve my little flag. He waved me on enthusiastically. I waited for the door to open and entered the bay. As I entered, the little electric eye must have caught sight of me. In an instant the undercarriage wash came on with such startling force that I was airborne before I knew what had hit me. A flying leap took me through the spray and when I landed the pre-rinse immediately opened up, drenching me from head to toe. Without looking at the man in his car behind me, I escaped as fast as I could with no flag to show for my troubles.

The howls of laughter rocking my van told me that Matthew and Micah had witnessed the entire show. As I crawled behind the wheel of the van, icicles forming on my brow, I couldn’t help but share in the laughter. Despite my frozen exterior, joining in the hilarity with my boys warmed my heart. I’m not sure, however if the man who treated me to his car wash ever recovered.

The next Sunday morning as we passed by the car wash on our way to church, my husband, Dave slowed the car and said, “Hey Liz, if you need a shower we will wait.” And we laughed all over again. Times like this remind me that God has a great sense of humor, and we do well not to take ourselves too seriously.

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