The Healing Power of Rain
September 5, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
By Hally Franz –
I wrote a couple of years ago about the devastation caused by a tornado in my home state. This summer, we in Middle America have experienced a terrible drought. Water conservation, deep well subsidies, lost corn crops and brown lawns have marked the past several months preceding Hurricane Isaac.
While others along the gulf coast were suffering through the high winds and torrential rains of the storm, we waited for the rains to come. When the rain arrived early in September, it was welcome relief after weeks and months of nearly no precipitation, a summer where we mowed grass only a few times.
It’s funny how a few healing rains can turn brown, patchy grass into green, growing lawns so quickly. Soon after the downpours left behind by “Isaac”, it was time to get on our mowers again. Color came back to our fading flowers, and trees that had started shedding dry leaves in August retained their foliage a bit longer, until the more typical commencement of fall.
It’s amazing to see how quickly a life can be turned around by the healing power of a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Repentance, forgiveness and baptism, fellowship with Christians, and time spent in worship and study – these are the life-changing activities that convert a drab, dormant, lifeless existence to one filled with color and growth and hopefulness.
As exciting as it is to see my lawn regain its lush, emerald beauty, and to return to a regular schedule of grass-mowing, it is much more pleasing to see His hand at work in the lives of new believers.
Never underestimate the healing power of rain.
PRAYER: Almighty God, healer of dry lawns and arid hearts, thank You for rescuing us from lives of hopelessness and drear, for bringing instead the hope of salvation and eternal life to those who believe and trust in You.
“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalm 103:2-5 NIV).
Pimento Cheese Memories
August 16, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Hally Franz –
My 92-year-old grandmother went on to her eternal home two days ago. Grandma had been healthy and active most of her life, enduring only a couple years of declining energy and mobility. She was blessed. I, along with all of her family and friends, have a ton of wonderful memories. We were also blessed.
In preparation for the funeral services of Erma Rhea Tucker, we family members have gathered together to recall and document some of our most notable memories of my grandmother. Some are heart-warming, others not necessarily family-friendly, most funny.
My earthly father, who greeted Grandma sometime during the early morning hours on September 5, told me a story about pimento cheese, and the tough, enduring character of his mother. Dad told me about a time when he was a child of perhaps 8 or 10. He, along with his younger brother, rode alongside my grandmother in an old truck as they drove home from the dentist in Louisiana, MO. Grandma drove with one hand while she used her other to roll toilet paper in wads that she shoved into her bleeding mouth. She’d been to the dentist and gotten sixteen teeth pulled. I only recently learned the exact number, because when dad told the story he simply said “every tooth in her head.”
When Grandma and her young sons arrived home, she immediately went to the kitchen and began grinding pounds of pimento cheese for dinner or perhaps some upcoming event. This was how my dad viewed his mother, a resilient and gritty woman. The story has always been a favorite of mine.
Cinnamon rolls, college sports, needlework, old hymns, little league ball, a school cafeteria, Frank Sinatra – those images congregate in my mind when I think of Grandma Tucker. Pimento cheese lingers the longest.
One of the greatest gifts Heavenly Father gives us is the people in our lives. Their influence and inspiration, their love and legacy are among the greatest things about life here on earth, and among the many things to look forward to in Heaven.
PRAYER: Merciful Father, thank You for the loved ones in our lives. What a gift they are to us. Help us to appreciate and remember good times spent with them, and give us the strength to smile when they begin their eternal lives with You.
“Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” (Jeremiah 31:13).
The Guest List
July 13, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
By Hally Franz –
Entertaining can be fun. Party stores have inspired us with an endless supply of clever themes and coordinating paper products to accommodate any occasion. Food retailers offer a tempting display of dips, appetizers, gourmet desserts, and meat, fruit and veggie trays. It’s all so thrilling! That’s the fun part of hosting a party.
The more challenging part of throwing a party is the guest list, which can sometimes be quite tricky. Determining how many and who to include for your niece’s baby shower, your 10-year-old’s birthday party, your senior’s graduation gala or the family wedding can be a major dilemma, much less fun than selecting a theme and munchies.
There are so many questions to consider. Will this be an obligation rather than a privilege for the guest? How many are in the class? Am I leaving any child out? Will they wonder why they have been invited? Will they remember us? Where will I put them? Can I afford what I want with this many coming? Will this group all get along? And, so it goes…
Once a host completes the arduous process of composing a guest list and inviting everyone, then there is the RSVP issue. This is where you wait and wonder who, if anyone or everyone, will make it to the soiree. Sometimes, an estimate regarding attendance is sufficient; other times, exact numbers are needed to be fully prepared. Conscientious guests will always RSVP, not wanting to leave the host “hanging.” It can be fun, but entertaining can be a real headache, too.
Our Heavenly Father is hosting a ‘round-the-clock party. Everyone is invited, so we don’t need to keep quiet to avoid hurting an uninvited person’s feelings. Preparations have been made for as many as wish to come; we can spread the news to any and all. His party is like none we have attended before, and it goes on forever. While He would love to anticipate our attendance for years, Father God will gladly welcome us even if we fail to RSVP until the final hours.
Our Heavenly Host asks that we accept His invitation. By accepting Him as our Lord and Savior, by repenting and being forgiven of our sins, by being baptized and beginning our Christian walk with Him, we assure our place at His party. That’s one I don’t want to miss!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for planning an event unlike any we’ve been blessed with here on earth. And, thank You for an open invitation to celebrate eternally with You and Your children.
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost” (Isaiah 55:1 NIV).
Here’s to Mr. C. and Teachers Everywhere
July 6, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Hally Franz –
As I sat down to write this devotion, something happened. It’s the thing that seems to happen more frequently these days. Perhaps it is due to aging or simply cramming too many things into this taxed brain of mine. It was a case of brain freeze, and not the kind one gets when drinking a thirst-quenching, but painful, blue slush.
It’s good we are all back in school! It’s time to get those minds working again. Time for routine and order in our lives. Time for a little time apart. As I send my fifth- and ninth-grader to school, I pray that they will have productive and fun years. Then, I thank God for some peace and quiet for my taxed brain.
I recently thought about my sixth-grade teacher. He was a tall, young, black man. In the 1970’s, particularly in our rural community, that was an unlikely description for one of our teachers. The vast majority of elementary teachers were women, and even fewer African-American teachers. I’ll call him “Mr. C.”
Mr. C. was one of my favorites for a few simple reasons. First, he was cool, so no one messed with him. There were no discipline issues in his class. Of course, there weren’t many discipline issues in any classes at that time. (My second and third reasons are better.)
Secondly, Mr. C. made it a habit to announce those who had the best test grades. That practice may not be very politically correct today, but I loved it. I wasn’t always named, but it happened enough to be a motivator.
And thirdly, there was one day a couple of years later when I passed Mr. C. in the hallway. I had grown taller and thinner since sixth grade, and he paid me a nice compliment. That felt good to a chubby girl.
It’s funny what we remember about our teachers. Sometimes, it’s the smallest, seemingly insignificant things that touch the hearts and minds of students. Veteran educators have learned this. They know the importance of their words and examples to their students, and they take it seriously. Mr. C. went to his Heavenly home a few years ago, and it made me sad.
I am happy, dare I say gleeful, to have turned my children over to their new teachers. And, while I pray for their year, I will also pray for the teachers. What a blessing they are.
PRAYER: Almighty Father, please bless our children and their teachers as they begin a new school year. May they learn and grow, teach and give to the best of their abilities, honoring You in all that they do.
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy” (Philippians 1:3-4 NKJV).
Conversing with Horses
June 9, 2021 by Hally Franz
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
By Hally Franz –
There’s a youth horse competition next week, and my daughter has been preparing under the watchful tutelage of her grandfather. I don’t ride, but have observed enough lessons and practice sessions to know that riding success and safety is largely dependent on proper communication with the animal.
The rider uses her body to let the horse know what is expected. A gentle squeeze of the legs sends a message to the horse, as does an affirming pat on the horse’s neck. Riders are trained to look beyond where they are going rather than where they are. The horse senses this slight movement of the rider, and it conveys direction. Likewise, a horse may lean into his owner when the grooming feels especially good, or resist face grooming if struck there by a previous owner. When verbal commands are used, they are simple one-word communications. Good horsemen have mastered these communication cues and signals in order to get the best from their horses.
Communicating with husbands can present different challenges. I am a counselor by profession and by nature; my husband is a military-minded mechanic. I enjoy talking and listening; Tim—not so much. In our nineteen-year marriage, I have tried to educate him on the complexities of verbal and non-verbal communications. For example, it is rude to frantically thump your fingers on the table while someone is talking to you. That tends not to build rapport. He has tried to convince me of the merits of the K.I.S.S. Method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Typically, by the time I have finished my introductory lines in a conversation, he has cautioned me not to “beat a dead horse.”
Talking to horses mandates knowledge of a certain equine language. Communicating with husbands often requires patience and acceptance.
Talking with our Heavenly Father is much easier. He understands any language we wish to use, but enjoys a respectful approach when we come for a visit. He has offered suggestions on what to say, but will listen to anything that burdens us. We can tap our fingers and use lots of words, and it is fine with Him. We need not look for just the right moment or make an appointment. He is there, ready and willing to listen.
That’s something worth talking about!
PRAYER: Gracious Father, thank You for being available whenever I need You, for understanding my needs when they aren’t communicated just right, and for accepting my muddled prayers exactly as they are delivered.
“The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous.” (Proverbs 15:29 NKJV).