Spiritual Lessons from Gallon Man

February 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Hally Franz –

“Gallon Man” reminds me a bit of the old character, Pacman. His head is formed from the letter G, and the opening appears to be Gallon Man’s mouth. If my interpretation is correct, he is viewed from a side profile, and is outfitted with four spots or eyes that are also visible from the side shot. Those are formed by evenly spaced Q’s, which of course have two P’s in each of them. His detailed and symmetrical design is completed with two little C’s that exist inside each of the P’s, inside each of the Q spots (or eyes). We know there are 16 cups in a gallon, 8 pints in a gallon, and 4 quarts in a gallon. Try drawing one for yourself.

When I arrived to pick up my daughter from a recent after-school tutoring session, this was the explanation I observed in the final minutes. This British-born teacher was working with my girl on American “standard” units of measurement. She had been through yards, feet and inches as well that day. And, as she wrapped up her lessons, she made a very simple, but profound comment in her wonderful English accent, which her students adore.

She said that “Heavenly Father is a God of order.”

My daughter attends a Christian school, so comments regarding faith are made often throughout the day’s activities. However, as I heard that simple proclamation, I was moved by its complete and utter truth.

There is order in His creation, perfection in His plans. In the workings of our human bodies, and in the functioning of plants and animals in our environment, we see innumerable examples of His precision. There is nothing random or left to chance, for He is in charge.

So, when we find ourselves in chaos or turmoil, whose counsel ought we seek to return order to our lives? Who provides the listening ear and the wisdom to make right a life that’s off track and out-of-whack? No, it’s not the master of measurement, Mr. Gallon Man. It’s another big “G” – the originator of all and author of order.

PRAYER: Most gracious Heavenly Father, thank You for the examples of precision, perfection and order in all You have created. May those wonders always serve to remind me to seek You at times when my life is anything but orderly.

“To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” asks the Holy One. “ Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.” (Isaiah 40:25-26 NLT).

The Wisdom of Benches and Balls

January 29, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Hally Franz –

There are lots of lessons that become regular sound-bites in the rearing of children. We encourage them to “treat others as you’d like to be treated”, “always do your best”, and “learn from your mistakes.” I believe few things in life are due to chance. So, with those thoughts in mind, I tried to make sense of my recent bare, right-foot collision with the unyielding incline bench in our basement.

It occurred as I packed away holiday decorations, and the encounter left me with three very sore middle toes and bruising from those toes to my instep. I watched the bruising evolve through black, blue, purple and yellow tones, reminding my family that I never bruise easily. The wound, while apparently without fractures, was worthy.

Here’s my list of possible insights to be gained by my foot-versus-bench battle:

• I am clumsy. Redundant. I’ve been made painfully aware of that truth on many prior occasions.
• I should slow down. Not likely; that was a lazy January day, and I was completing this task with ease.
• I should look where I am going. Possibly valid, if taken in a broader, less literal sense.
• I need to get rid of some clutter. I agree and am working on it!
• I need to exercise. I’d love to, if I didn’t have an injured foot!
• I should wear shoes around the house. Perhaps, my old-souled son is wise traipsing around the house interminably in steel-toed boots. My grandfather always thought it horrible to walk around shoeless in the winter.
• I need a bigger house. Useless information. My husband swears he’ll die in this house.

In the final days before Christmas 2012, my old-souled son added a couple of items to his Christmas list. He wanted a Magic 8-Ball and a metal slinky. When questioned about the ball, he told me he might use it for making decisions. I “encouraged” him that God would greatly prefer He be consulted on any important choices he faces. Ivan assured me he’d apply this method only to small, insignificant quandaries.

In reality, I can’t glean much meaning from my injury. Nor, will my son ever get worthwhile advice from his vintage toy. We can, however, seek and expect real answers regarding routine and life-changing questions. Our Heavenly Father is there to listen and counsel us when we pray and study His word, without mysteries to solve or magic to work.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, remind me always to bring my concerns and questions to You. Help me to remember that the world holds no inspired answers, and I am too simple to make decisions without the wisdom that You alone provide.

“I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness” (Ecclesiastes 7:25 KJV).

What Do You Love?

January 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions

By Hally Franz –

It’s February – a time to recognize and appreciate the people, places and things that we love. In thinking about this month’s devotions, I was reminded of the old Tom T. Hall song in which he lists some of the things that he loves most. In Mr. Hall’s song “I Love” he names the following among the things that he loves: little baby ducks and little fuzzy pups, snow and rain, old pick-up trucks and slow-moving trains, coffee in a cup and bourbon in a glass, grass and hay. It’s an interesting list, and we can all identify with at least a few of his choices, I’m sure.

So, I thought for a moment about the things I love. I love the healing power of music and the snuggling potential of a rainy day. I love the change of seasons, watching marching bands, horse shows, architecture and dark chocolate. I love human frailty, and I love observing genetics at work. Add to my list pasta and Diet Coke, my family, friends, church and God. And, dare I say, sweatpants? Yes, I love sweatpants.


Here’s the thing about reading. I didn’t always like it. I probably read fewer than a dozen complete books growing up, and my academic success was strictly due to listening well and taking great notes. I was slow and often had to re-read. It’s odd for one who writes to not read. Over time, I think God helped me to enjoy reading, even though I’m still slow. That new love has been a blessing to me.

Some of the activities we enjoy, the spaces that bring us contentment, and the people we like spending time with change over time. While my brain isn’t as sharp as it once was, my desire to read and learn is greater than ever before. I suppose that’s a bit of the irony of aging we may all experience in one form or another.

As parents, we ought to help our children find things they love and are passionate about. This world is full of loveable things, places and people, both God-made and man-made. It is easy to see the bad and the negative, but in this season of love and throughout the year, let’s take time to appreciate the big and small loves in our lives. Let’s encourage our kids to do the same.

PRAYER: Awesome Father, what an amazing world we live in! While there is evil and sadness, there is also beauty and brilliance in our midst. Help us to focus on the many people, places and things there are to enjoy, appreciate… and love!

“Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you” (Jude 1:2 NKJV).

Calling the Roll

December 28, 2021 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Hally Franz –

My children are members of Spring Branch Helping Hands 4-H Club, which formed when some families left the very large club, Spring Creek Lively Steppers. Both groups include kids with busy appendages and busy moms. As the current club leader, I write the monthly agendas, which include the roll call portion of the meeting. At each meeting, a truly thought-provoking question is posed to the young people. Their responses to the question verify their attendance.

Example questions include:
“What’s the scariest movie you have seen?” (October)
“Name a spring bird.” (April)
“What’s your favorite event at the county fair?” (July)

During our November meeting, kids were asked to name their favorite Thanksgiving food. My kindergarten nephew responded “beef – hot beef” with notable male enthusiasm. While his grandparents are cattle people, our Thanksgiving feast includes more foul than red meat.

There are usually a few “huh’s” or “whaaat’s” as we work through the list. These individuals have not paid attention to the assignment and need the question repeated for them specifically. A few members will simply say “here” indicating they choose not to participate. Others, sometimes even those with “W” names, are still pondering the question and require a few extra moments before answering. No problem – there are only 53 members in our group! A few of the younger, lively, helpful children go mute when their names are called, so their parents will account for them. Finally, there are the stars who consistently have appropriate, ready responses when their names are called. God love them!

Last night, we sang “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.” I wondered about what questions will be posed for us at our Heavenly reunion. Will the Almighty ask me my favorite Bible verse or that I name one of Jesus’s miracles? Will it be something easy or a head-scratcher as I enter the gates?

And, what of my response to Him? Surely, I won’t appear clueless or oblivious, but rather attentive and engaged. I hope to be prepared, so as not to keep Him waiting, and I would wish to be humble, but not speechless. No attention-seeking silliness or comedic answers will do. I’d like to have a stellar response.

Perhaps, I should just hope that our Heavenly Father is less judgmental and more patient than any busy 4-H mom!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to be prepared for that awesome meeting with You that awaits me, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel” (Ezra 7:10 NIV).

A New Twist on the List

December 1, 2021 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous

By Hally Franz –

I made a bold move during the Christmas season of 2012. After years of considering, even threatening this particular change, I made the move. I did not send cards, letters or pictures out for the holiday – no festive stamped correspondence at all. It was a tough thing to give up. I like the tradition and enjoy receiving greetings from friends and family, but this season I felt I could spend my time better in other ways.

So, as we begin 2013, I am going to expand this mindset of reducing. Typically, my resolutions are in the form of tasks I hope to accomplish in the New Year. I resolve to: cook healthier meals for my family, maintain a regular routine of exercise, complete scrapbooks for our family’s last ten years of vacations, read more, write more, clean out my basement and so on. The list is pretty much the same each year, because the same tasks usually remain undone from year to year.

This year, I am staging a revolt against the standard resolution list that I make annually. Perhaps, “revolt” is too strong a word. I am not really a revolt kind of girl. Given the fact that I just used the word “girl” to describe myself, I may be delusional, but revolutionary I am not. Let’s call it a simple rebellion.

My 2013 resolution is to cut back. For many of us, those working both outside and in the home, our lists of obligations and duties tend to accumulate over time. When I left my school counseling position a few years ago I had an open slate for a time. Soon, though, I had taken on a variety of activities connected with school, church, my kids’ extra-curricular activities and more. Now, I often find myself overwhelmed with tasks and no closer to accomplishing those resolution items that linger.

It’s time to eliminate stuff from my life, both literally and figuratively. I think I will start by examining what I do and why I do it, by really asking if this is something in which I need to continue investing my time and talent.

Maybe you’ll want to give it a try. It’s daring to be sure. I’m committed, though, and when asked what my New Year’s Resolution is for 2013, I’ll proudly announce that I am not taking on anything new; I’m just going to do a lot less!

PRAYER: Lord, guide me to make good choices in my life. Give me wisdom to select the activities and goals that You deem worthy and in accordance with Your plan for me.

“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (Luke 10:41-42 NIV).

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