God’s Billboard Company
January 29, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship
I love to read billboards. Of course, there are some vulgar and inappropriate things on some and I have to quickly avert my eyes. But for the most part, I find a lot to think about on these giant-sized commercials.
For Future Generations
January 28, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
I can’t think of a more overwhelming role than that of parent. When a mother or father holds that tiny baby in their arms and they realize how dependent that life is on them, the feeling must be wonder and awe. Awe that God would entrust such a life to you who are, at times, not so sure how to handle your own life; and wonder or doubt that you will be all that child needs you to be. Abraham must have felt that same way when told he would be the father of a whole nation. But God knew Abraham’s fears as well as ours, and He has a plan.
Holy Glasses
January 26, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Personal Growth
One of the little frustrations of life occurs for me when I get my hair cut. When the hairdresser has finished cutting my hair, he hands me a mirror so I can see the back. But I can’t see a thing until I pull my glasses from under the cape and put them on. The mirror won’t do me any good without my glasses. We Christians are like the person sitting in a salon chair, being handed a mirror from God, Who says to us, “Look and see what great things I have done.” We strain to see what He is talking about, but often we miss it. Why? We need to put our glasses on.
Wet Blanket Maneuver
January 18, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family
When I substitute in the public schools, inevitably there is one child during my day that seems to be the class target. This is the child who is the brunt of jokes, has few friends, and who is teased unmercifully. Usually, it is this child’s reactions to the teasing that spurs the perpetrators on to further abuse. I have a tender heart for these children because I was one. I was picked on in elementary and middle school and would come home crying out to my father. He would tenderly say, “Well, Cheri, you’re just so pick-able, that’s why they pick on you.” He’d then go on to tell me that my reaction was what was fueling their fire, and if I wanted them to stop, I needed to change my reaction. With his help, I learned to master the wet blanket maneuver. When someone meant me harm, I sent him or her blessings in my mind. After a while, it was no longer fun to pick on Cheri. This isn’t a new concept. God came up with it first.
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The Love Game
January 15, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
“I love you more than vanilla ice cream with hot fudge,” my friend will say to his daughter to which she will reply, “and I love you more than kisses from a puppy.” Instead of sharing the usual I love you they share in this lighthearted game. Each time trying to top what the other person has named. Not in a competitive way, but as a playful expression of the depth of love they share. God plays this game with us, too. He gives us a breathtaking sunrise then whispers in our ear, “See this? I love you more than that.” He sends someone into our life with an unexpected blessing and then whispers again, “I love you more than that.” God’s love is so great there is no way we could have ever comprehended unless He sent Jesus to die so there would be no doubt.
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