Our Weakness, His Strength

November 19, 2024 by  
Filed under For Her

By Keisha Bass

It’s my belief that there is no way you can kick any addiction without the help of the almighty God. He knows exactly what you need and exactly when you need it. We may take ourselves through a great deal of unnecessary stress and worry behind our current situations, but we must keep our eyes on Him. (Matthew 6:33, NIV) We must also remember that He is forgiving, loving, and merciful. Whether it be drugs or alcohol, cigarettes, food, shopping, self-pity, and the list could go on and on AND on. He helps us through ALL things.

I am a recovering drug addict and in my weakest moments, I called out to God. It was like I had tried everything else, and I had to really get broken down to fall on my knees and cry out for Him. I pray that you don’t have to experience “rock bottom” to get set free, but sometimes it’s the only thing that can open your eyes. God is made strong in our weakness. He broke me down, so He could build me up. And just as He did for me, He will be there to pick you up and dust you off. But then you must do your best to turn from those ways. The struggle is just that, a struggle, but lean on God and He will see you through.

I can remember when I had six days clean. I needed to return some CDs to a friend that was still living the drug-using lifestyle. I was extremely nervous about going over to his house because I knew that I would be met with a cloud of smoke and would be offered a drag. On the two mile drive over there, I repeated over and over, “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) I believed the power in those words. I stepped in the house and handed him the CDs. He, in return, offered me a hit of what he was smoking. The words flowed easily from my mouth. I said, “No. I’m cool.”

I smiled and walked out of the house still victoriously drug-free. When I returned to my car, I said, “Thank you God for Your strength.” I knew His strength had taken over my weakness. I never thought I would have been able to say no. But then again, I guess I didn’t. He said it for me. And please believe, He can and will do the same for you-just believe and never quit trying to quit.

About Keisha Bass

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3 Responses to “Our Weakness, His Strength”
  1. Amen. I kicked smoking only because God showed me I could lean on His strength. He gave me a special rhema and showed me what I needed to do to stay quit even with a heavy smoker in my house and my world still smelling like cigarettes.

  2. Norma Vera says:

    Good for you Keisha, The Lord bless you and continue to give you great victories.

  3. Dorothy Ward-Winters says:

    You are strong, and God has made you stronger. I understand how difficult kicking an addiction of any kind can be. Continue writing. Your story will encourage other users. Blessings,

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