Take 2 Tablespoons and Call Me in the Morning

September 15, 2024 by  
Filed under Health and Fitness

By Angelia Mitchell 

When you are sick, this is exactly what God may prescribe: “Take 2 tablespoons of laughter and call Me in the morning”. 

In Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV), the Bible says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”  God gave us the Bible as a manual for our lives, our future, and our bodies.  When the Creator speaks about a merry heart, it is a heart that is stress free, worry free and filled with joy.  The definition of “merry” is cheerful and lively.  Being active and filled with laughter could describe a person with a merry heart.

Some of the natural benefits of laughter are obvious to the medical community.  As Christians, the healthy merry heart should be just another witness of God’s magnificent design and speak loudly of His existence.  Laughter is relaxing to the muscles and can ease tension.  Laughter will quickly put your mind and body back in balance for better emotional health.  Laughter improves the function of blood, releases endorphins, and boosts the immune system.  Essentially, laughter is profitable to the body and the soul.

On the spiritual side of laughter, we have joy.  My favorite definition of “joy” is jubilation, triumphant rejoicing.  We can rejoice in salvation.  We can rejoice in the fact that we triumph over our problems and that victory is ours in Christ Jesus.  Laughter will mend broken relationships.  Laughter has the power to lighten burdens and inspire.  Psalm 35:9 [NKJV] says, “And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation”.  We have so much to be thankful for–just for who He is–that we can rejoice.

Sometimes you may not feel you have a reason to laugh; instead, you may want to cry.  But the Word of God never fails us.  Psalm 30:5 [NKJV] encourages us with these words: “For his anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning”.  If you have lived for very long, you have probably been sick, but you are not alone in your sickness.  I want to remind you to laugh when you don’t feel like laughing.  Laugh when you feel like crying.  Laugh when your heart is breaking.  God never rejects a weak and weary heart that seeks Him.  No matter how broken-down and overwhelmed we are, God welcomes us and is willing and able to help us. 

Enjoy your life, your kids, your friends and mostly enjoy Him.  When you are joyful, the miracle of God brings healing.  Before you seek a remedy in a bottle, take 2 tablespoons of laughter, rest on the Word, have faith in God, laugh through the night…, and call on Him in the morning!

(i) http://www.naturalnews.com/007551.html
(ii) http://helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm  (iii) http://www.biblegateway.com/  (iv) http://dictionary.com

Angelia Mitchell is a servant, wife, mother, daughter, and a friend.  Led by the spirit, been through the fire and the rain to show His goodness in everything.  © 2009

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