When Should One Give Up?

September 7, 2024 by  
Filed under Faith, Faith Articles

By Jennifer Kearson 

Lately, it seems people everywhere are taking some nerve-taking test whether it’s educational, medical or measuring our faith.  After all, we all know that feeling when we are sitting in a classroom or at the doctor’s office getting ready to take that do or die test.  We all know the feelings, our muscles tense up, heart beats faster, palms sweat, and worse, our mind could decide to go blank and nothing seems to make sense.  

Or course, when it comes to education, we all want to succeed to our best capability.  However, we must face the reality of test.  Lately, there seems to be test for everything from entering college to exiting college.  Upon completion, teachers have to take a test to get certified, lawyers have to pass the bar exam, and the list could go on and on.  Wow!  What a relief when someone has passed!  It feels good when one has studied faithfully and the work has paid off.  However, what if someone doesn’t pass after extensive hours of studying?  This has happened to many people who probably felt their heart dropping to the floor and feeling like they were the only one who was left behind.  What’s next?  It’s time for round two and what if someone fails again?  Should one continue for round three, four, or five?  This has been a big debate with many of my friends.  Often they ask should I give up or try again.  Well, it depends on how well you desire it.  To your best attempt, try finding the root or ask successful people how they passed it.  Also, take it to the Lord for help.  I honestly believe if you have a deep passion for something and you pray to the Lord, rewards will come.  Throughout life, we will have our ups and downs and we must have the Lord with us to make it through.  So, should people give up?  Personally, that is a choice one must find in the heart to make.  However, I believe people should not give up on their dreams.  Sometimes we will have minor setbacks.  After all, the Lord wants people to be the best at their dreams.  For example, Jesus took the role of a student and studied in the synagogue prior to becoming a teacher.  He didn’t even begin his ministry until the age of thirty.  It’s fascinating to see so many famous or successful people achieving their dreams beyond the age of fifty.  Who says there is a true age limit?  So, it’s never too late to get started on your dreams. 

Also, the Lord doesn’t want anyone to give up on faith and continue reading the Bible, pray and believe the Lord has a wonderful plan.  Of course this could also relate to other areas like health problems, marriage, single life, and others.  Keep the Lord in your heart and pray for guidance.

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