Fairy Spa Frog

July 6, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

My white knight gifted me with a half-day at the spa for our 26th wedding anniversary.  Yesterday was my day to ride in the white horseless carriage (AKA 2002 minivan) to the midday delight. 

First, miracle-worker #1 escorted me into the miracle-vault for my facial.  Soothing music lulled my stress away, as various potions and lotions were applied to my face, neck, and shoulders.  I won't describe the entire process to you, but just trust me when I say it was simply amazing.  She let her fingers do the walking, and she had the right touch.  I promised myself I would stay in the moment for the entire spa experience, not running ahead in my mind to what might be in my future and not retreating backward in my mind to any regrets. 

Spa-girl #1 tagged off to Spa-girl #2 and we determined to wash away the gray.  What gray?  She wasn't a miracle worker—she was a magician.  She made things disappear.  If only she could do the same for a few extra pounds! 

Next came a Lisa Rinna hairstyle.  Do styling lessons come with the package?  I'm quite certain I will need a tutorial on how to use a flat iron!

Then Spa-girl #2 performed the modern-day equivalent of foot-washing.  The spa pedicure.  Mmmm…. 'nuff said!

Last night I went to bed feeling like a princess, but today when I woke up I had lost that fairy-tale charm.  All that pulling and tugging of various tissues released toxins I didn't even know I had.  My eyes from the eyebrows to the eyelashes resembled red globes and my face ballooned to Wicked Stepmother status.  I guess I forgot to look at the clock.  Apparently at midnight the princess dust wore off and I turned back into a frog!
This princess business had an expiration date.  Reality of my life.  Except for one arena—my life with Christ.

I am now and for always a daughter of the King with all the privileges that entails.  The “toxins” released by His touch aren’t released IN me but OUT of me.  I’m freed from their influence.  And I need not worry that I’ll wake in the morning with the wonder of His love worn off.  He is mine and I am His…forever.

PRAYER: Father God, I praise You for loving me with an unfailing Love, steadfast, enduring, with mercies that are new every morning and hope that lasts an eternity.
“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.  O give thanks unto the God of gods; for his mercy endureth for ever…to him who alone doeth great wonders; for his mercy endureth for ever,” Psalm 136:1-2, 4 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Kathy Carlton Willis, wife to Russ, pastor’s wife to many, author, editor, publicist, and speaker.  Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions.  Learn more at: http://kcwcomm.blogspot.com/ or http://www.kathycarltonwillis.com/.

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