Like 1995?

May 21, 2024 by  
Filed under Humorous

On a recent trip to Houston, Texas, we traveled by the huge statue of Sam Houston on Interstate 45.  My husband and I took the opportunity to explain to our six-year-old about the man depicted in the statue.  Bruce explained a brief portion of Texas history and then I concluded with, “He lived a very long time ago,” to which my daughter responded “like 1995?”  Ouch!

We chuckled in the car and I blogged about it and yet the humor still lingers.  In fact, it has gotten even funnier as I have had more time to think about it.  Savannah, in her short life already feels the affects of time.  She didn’t experience the 90’s so she feels like anything that happened then must be as ancient as Sam Houston.  She really felt no need for the brief traveling history lesson in the car.  It’s irrelevant to her short life right now.

Similarly, as a Christian I can remember hearing sermons, studying God’s Word and even sitting in Bible college thinking I would never need what I was being taught.  Deep spiritual truths were missed because of this shallow thinking.  On more than one occasion I can remember being overwhelmed by the depth of all I was being exposed to and giving up because I didn’t understand.  It’s a common problem attacking many Christian newbies and veterans today.  Discouragement mixed with a tinge of laziness.

God’s Word is vast and wide and deep and unexplainable sometimes.  There are many truths that, no matter how hard we try, our human minds cannot comprehend to the fullest.  Never fear!  What I am learning on this journey is that there are plenty of truths tucked inside the pages of God’s Word that I can practice, understand, and pass on.  I want to be a student of His Word, constantly studying and learning and, in turn, growing.  Just because the Bible was written over 2000 years ago doesn’t mean that its history, stories, message, and relevance is forgotten or insignificant.  The truth of God’s Word is more real and essential today than ever before.

If you are like me, there are days when the enemy tempts you to get bogged down in the truths of the Bible that can sometimes be confusing, causing you to get discouraged.  Stay encouraged to trod on.  Don’t give up.  Satan would like nothing better than for the children of the living God to be confused, under-educated, and discouraged.  Getting into the Word of God scares the enemy.  In fact, he can’t even be around it!  Quote it when you are down and out, quote it when you are praising God, quote it when all other words escape you.  Read it, memorize it, live it.  It’s the best ancient wisdom for 1995…2009….forever!

PRAYER: Father forgive us for our laziness and discouragement when studying Your precious Word.  Help us stay close to the truths that are penned on each page and give us wisdom and understanding beyond our own.

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV.

Today’s devotion is by Gina Stinson, wife to Bruce, mom to Savannah and Tucker, co-founder of The Mission in Gunter, TX, and publicist assistant for Kathy Carlton Willis Communications.

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